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Dr Sajeda  Pervin

Assistant Professor

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Dr Sajeda Pervin is an Assistant Professor in Business Management at Southampton Malaysia Business School in the University of Southampton Malaysia.

Sajeda previously worked as a Lecturer at BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Prior to that, she worked as a Lecturer at Northern University Bangladesh. Sajeda has over 12 years of experience in teaching, research and academic administration in the higher education sector, where she has been involved in Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching in related areas of Management and engaged in various administrative activities.

Sajeda’s undergraduate degree was in Management from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. She later earned an MBA degree in Human Resource Management from the same university. Sajeda pursued her PhD at University of Malaya, Malaysia on microfinance and women empowerment.

Sajeda’s research interests include Women Empowerment, Gender Management, Microfinance, Banking and Sustainability. Sajeda published several quality research articles and presented research papers at various international conferences. Her research articles published in Sage Open, Journal of Psychiatric Research, Energy, Research in International Business and Finance. Sajeda published several numbers of book chapters in Springer Nature. She serves as an ad hoc reviewer for several top journals.

Research interests

Women empowerment, Gender management, Gender inequality, Pandemic, Conventional micro-finance, Islamic Microfinance and Sustainability.

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A complete list of Sajeda’s publications can be found on Google Scholar

1.Does Microfinance Singlehandedly Empower Women? A Case Study of Bangladesh. Sage Open ,2023 (with Ismail, N.) (ISI Q3)

2.The mediating role of competition on deposit insurance and the risk-taking of banks in ASEAN countries. Research in International Business and Finance 59, 101551, (2022) (with Noman, A, Hassan, M.K) (ISI Q1, ABS 2*).

3.The Detrimental Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence Against Women. Journal of Psychiatric Research 132, 2021 (with Noman, A. Grifiths, M. and Ismail, N.). (ISI Q1)

4.Efficient Energy Consumption in Industrial Sectors and Its Effect on Environment: A Comparative Analysis between G8 and Southeast Asian Emerging Economies. Energy, 97, 82-89, 2016 (with Rahman, S. Sok-Gee, C., and Isa, C.R) (ISI, Q1)

5.Comparative Performance Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Banks in Bangladesh- An Application of Binary Logistic Regression. Asian Social Science, 11(21), 248-257, 2015 (with Noman, A., and Banna, H.) (Scopus, Q4).

6.The effect of bank specific and macroeconomic determinants of banking profitability: A study on Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management, 10(6), 287,2015 (with Noman, A. and Chowdhury, M.).

7.The effect of credit risk on the banking profitability: A case on Bangladesh. Global journal of management and business research, 15(C3),41-48, 2015(with Noman, A. and Chowdhury, M.).

8. An Investigation of Credit Risk Management Strategies of Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh. Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 2(2), 77-87,2014 (with Noman, A. and Hossain, M.).

9. Credit exposure and lending decision quality of private commercial banks in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(7), 15-21, 2013(with Shahabuddin, A.).

  • MANG2088 Critical Perspective on Organisation and Management
  • ENTR2001   Entrepreneurial Management
  • MANG3008 Strategic Management
  • MANG2057 Philosophy of Management and Organisation
  • MANG3034 Project Management
  • MANG3066 Managing High- Growth Businesses
Dr Sajeda Pervin
Southampton Malaysia Business School
University of Southampton Malaysia, Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia.

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