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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Winchester Science Centre launches NAMRIP’s ‘You the doctor’ AMR Exhibit

Published: 26 February 2017
The team for Saturday 26 Feb 2017
Team for Saturday 26/02/17: Prof Leighton, Rhys Leighton, Rhiannon Leighton, Nhu Tran and Ha Nguyen

Today brought the end of two weeks of coverage by NAMRIP and RoadShow volunteers, of NAMRIP’s ‘You the doctor’ AMR Exhibit. Although the exhibit will tour science and engineering festivals and venues throughout the year, its main home will be Winchester Science Centre, who kindly hosted and built the exhibit, based on a design by Prof Leighton and public engagement subgroup including Craig Dolder, Yvonne Richardson, Steve Dorney, Nikhil Mistry and Rob Hull. The Winchester team were Graeme Pick, Ben Littlefield, and Ben Ward.

The two-week marathon occurred because different regions neighbouring Winchester had one-week half-term holidays on consecutive weeks. After short training sessions by Prof Leighton on the exhibit, and in-depth training on Public Engagement Skills in General by Roadshow, led by Dr Tony Curran (who runs the training session ‘Public engagement at festivals and major public events’), the team took turns in a marathon effort, massively supported by Winchester Science Centre. The enthusiastic band of volunteers from the University were: Yvonne Richardson, Timothy Leighton, Myron Christodoulides, Marcela Hernandez-Garcia, Robert Hull, Anna Rattu, Giang Nguyen, Collin Sones, Rhiannon Leighton, Ha Nguyen, Nhu Tran and Rhys Leighton.

This is the first of a set of six exhibits, which will be completed within a few months. Funding was provided by NAMRIP using Public Engagement funds from EPSRC in their Bridging the Gap network grant (EP/M0272260/1), the University of Southampton PERU (Public Engagement in Research Unit) and the University of Southampton Strategic Research Group Fund.

The exhibit was enjoyed by adults and children alike. Several adults engaged in more in-depth discussions on AMR, infection prevention and vaccination, often sharing their own stories and learning about the global perspective and the options for the future. It received several mentions on Twitter, examples of which are as follows:

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