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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

NAMRIP 'Future Leaders in AMR' Workshop - Advancing your career Event

Photo of discussion between ECR's
14:00 - 16:00
5 May 2016
Room 1065, Building 58 Highfield Campus University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Yvonne Richardson on 02380 594943 or email .

Event details

An event specifically for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in the NAMRIP network.

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The workshops will include a range of activities including talks on what makes a 4 star paper, finding funding sources for ECRs, making an impact outside of academia and writing webpages. There will be time for networking and discussion and there will be an informal friendly atmosphere with delicious afternoon tea/coffee and cakes to keep you going.

Let your colleagues know - come along and learn more about the opportunities for pump priming funding, mentoring and getting hands-on experience of outreach activities that are available with NAMRIP.

This is the first event in a series of workshops which we are setting up especially for ECRs in NAMRIP

If you are interested in Anti-Microbial resistance, whatever faculty you are in, you are welcome - so if you are not a member - just join!

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Speaker information

Professor Tim Leighton,Chairman of NAMRIP

Dr Clint Styles,Business Development Manager

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