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The University of Southampton
Professional Development

Learning about Technology Enhanced Learning

This carefully selected list of free online resources about Technology Enhanced Learning provides essential reading for staff wishing to gain inspiration or deepen their understanding. The resources include case studies, overviews and detailed guides.

In addition all staff interested in enhancing their teaching through the use of technology are encouraged to join the ILIaD Community of Practice which supports a number of TEL  special interest groups that are open to all staff involved in teaching and learning activities.

Blackboard Good Practice Guide

Four sides of A4 giving basic practical advice about essential and recommended practices.

ePrimer series

Produced by staff at the University of Ako Aotearoa in New Zealand, this series "places e-learning in a context of learning theory, institutional development, and instructional design. It examines the role of faculty, good practice in hybrid course design, and the dynamics of online discussion -- and places all of these in a coherent context, drawing from refereed sources and almost a decade of dedicated experience." Recommended reading.

OTiS Online Tutoring

This e-book was produced by the Online Teaching in Scotland (OTiS) project back in 2000 - but it is still a really useful and practical guide. Recommended reading.

Technology Enhanced Learning Guide

This locally-produced guide is intended to help you to identify and tackle the key issues that determine the success of TEL projects. Recommended reading.

The Theory and Practice of Online Learning

18 chapters that are essential reading for anyone planning to design and deliver an online module, this eBook, edited by Terry Anderson, is freely available under a Creative Commons licence.

Effective Practice in a Digital Age

We have chosen this as a route into the JISC e-Learning pedagogy project; take a look at the links on this page for PDF guides, resource exchange, case studies and so on.

What research has to say for practice

A set of nine guides produced by the Research Committee of the Association for Leaning Technology. This will provide a quick overview of current thinking plus a useful bibliography.

Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology

This online 'book' is presented as a wiki which is authored by a wide range of people and edited by Michael Orey. It focuses on the theories of learning and provides examples of how learning technologies can be used to implement each approach.


There are of course many academic journals which publish research papers about the use of technology in education. Tony Bates has created a useful list of these journals including a brief description and link.

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