Embedding Behaviour Change in Public Health: From digital and population-focussed solutions to commissioning practice Seminar
- Time:
- 15:00 - 16:00
- Date:
- 18 April 2018
- Venue:
- University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Building 44 (Shackleton), Room 1041 (L/T A)
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Sue McNally on 02380 595150 or email S.McNally@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Visiting Speaker on behalf of CCCAHP
Speaker information
Professor Katherine Brown , Coventry University. Since completing a PhD studentship at Sheffield Hallam University in 2004 Professor Katherine Brown has held posts as Lecturer and later Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Coventry University and for three years was Course Director of the MSc Health Psychology programme. In September 2011, Professor Brown took up the position of Reader in eHealth and Wellbeing Interventions, a joint post between Coventry University and Public Health Warwickshire. She has published papers in psychology, medical and public health journals and obtained funding from research councils including the British Academy and Medical Research Council, the NHS, the European Commission and commercial sources. Professor Brown is currently Acting Lead of the Behaviour and Interventions Research sub-theme in CTEHR. Her research interests include the application of psychological behavioural change theories and evidence to the design and development of public health interventions; the application of eHealth as a format for intervention delivery; interventions to support sexual health and wellbeing outcomes, including the work looking at ending Female Genital Mutilation amongst migrant African communities in Europe. Evaluation of interventions is also a key focus of her work.