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Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality and Law News, Events and Seminars

SCC Seminar: Gender Equality and the Gender Pay Gap in Italy

Published: 6 February 2019

On the 6th of February 2019, Dr. Francesca Marinelli (Researcher and Professore Aggregato di Diritto del Lavoro, Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storiadel Diritto, Università degli Studi di Milano) gave a talk on the issue of gender equality in Italy. The main goal was explaining why - despite the increased protection against gender disparity set up by the Italian lawmaker in recent years (under the pressure of the European Union) -, gender discrimination in the workplace is still a widespread phenomenon to fight in Italy. In particular, the talk focused on the gender pay gap and considered the contrast between the last Eurofound report on this subject, where Italy seems to be doing better than many countries in Europe, while, on the other hand, "The Global Gender Gap 2017 Report" (published by the World Economic Forum), puts Italy 82nd in the global gender gap index measuring the gender gap in broader terms.

The audience, which included undergraduate students, PGRs and academics from several departments within the Faculty of Social Sciences, was very active and contributed to a lively debate.

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