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The University of Southampton
Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality and Law News, Events and Seminars

Invitation - Structural Injustice, Precarious Work and Human Rights Event

18:00 - 19:00
4 May 2022 - 4 April 2022
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus (Building 100, Lecture Room A).

Event details

Structural Injustice, Precarious Work and Human Rights by Virginia Mantouvalou, Professor of Human Rights and Labour Law

We are delighted to invite you to the Southampton Law School, Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality & Law Annual Lecture. The Lecture will take place on Wednesday 4th May 2022, 6pm-7pm at the University of Southampton, Highfield Campus (Building 100, Lecture Room A).

Abstract - An increasing number of jobs are precarious, making workers vulnerable to various forms of ill-treatment and exploitation. The UK Government’s main approach has been to criminalise the actions of unscrupulous employers who exploit precarious workers. In this lecture, Professor Mantouvalou will develop an alternative solution, seeking to identify structures that force and trap workers in exploitative work. This injustice will be rectified not through modern slavery laws that criminalise employers who engage in serious exploitation and abuse, but through broader legal reform.

This is an in-person event and registration highly recommend ( click here to register )

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