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The University of Southampton
Social Impact Lab

Mr  Alex Beardshall

Expert and Mentor

Mr  Alex Beardshall's photo

I’m a Southampton alumnus having graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and am now working as a strategy consultant at PA Consulting.

My day to day role involves advising companies across all sectors on data and insight-driven business strategies, with a special interest in sustainable energies and responsible consumer goods. Most importantly, I have a passion for business as a force for good and building a more sustainable world, which has led me to all corners of the globe to work on social and environmental impact initiatives, including through the Social Impact Lab’s very own Spark India programme. In my new role on the SIL advisory board, I hope to help spearhead the lab into a new and exciting future through targeted outcome-driven initiatives and achieve enduring results for students and partner organisations.

Mr Alex Beardshall
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