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The University of Southampton
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

Dr Simon Dennington BSc, PhD

Visiting Researcher

Dr Simon Dennington's photo

Dr Simon Dennington is Visiting Researcher within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Simon studied for a BSc in Chemistry at University College, London, and later gained a PhD from Bristol University for research into the effects of polymer colloid additives on the hydration reactions of Portland Cement. Prior to joining nCATS he worked in industrial research in both the UK and Scandinavia. His research has been in the field of synthetic polymers, in materials ranging from textile fibres to marine antifouling paints. He holds a ‘black belt’ qualification in Design for Six Sigma (DfSS) and has a special interest in the statistical design of experiments (DoE).

Research interests

  • Natural products as marine antifouling agents
  • Self-polishing polymer binders
  • Novel antifouling surfaces
  • Drag reduction for ship hulls

Research group

national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS)

Research project(s)

Antifouling coatings for warships - Dormant

FOUL-X-SPEL (Environmentally friendly antifouling technology to optimise the energy efficiency of ships)

Marine antifouling coatings - stopping seaweed, barnacles and bacteria.

Green Tribology

Tribology is the study of friction, lubrication and wear. Decreasing friction by any means always leads to welcome reductions in fuel and energy consumption, with a corresponding decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Dr Simon Dennington
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute University of Southampton Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus Southampton SO16 7QF

Room Number : 7/3003

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