XII Annual SoNG Conference - 'The Human Brain' Event

- Time:
- 09:00 - 17:30
- Date:
- 25 September 2014
- Venue:
- Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus University of Southampton
For more information regarding this event, please email Debbie Buck at db5@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
The XII SoNG Meeting will be held on the 25th September 2014 at the Avenue Campus of the University of Southampton, with the theme of The Human Brain.
This focus will be promoted through contributions from our external keynote speakers Prof. Suzana Herculano-Houzel (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), to discuss brain complexity from an evolutionary point of view. Our second speaker Prof. Seth Grant (University of Edinburgh) will talk about the EU Blue Brain Project, and our final speaker Matthijs B. Verhoog (VU University, The Netherlands) will talk us about plasticity of human synapses. In keeping with the emerging desire to promote work using human tissue, we have organized a workshop/roundtable to explicitly address "how to do research with human samples". Representatives from Brain UK, the MRC UK Brain Banks Network and the Research Governance Office of the UoS will facilitate this exciting opportunity.
The meeting has been designed to give an overview of both present and future avenues in the study of the human brain. Our program will be supplemented with selected short talks from early-career researchers from SoNG and associated grouping, which will be selected from the abstract submissions. In keeping with the spirit of the SoNG the theme will be used to provide the meeting focus but we encourage contribution from SoNGs wider cohort.
If you would like to attend the meeting, please register by clicking on the link below. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/xii-annual-song-conference-the-human-brain-tickets-11154351967