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The University of Southampton
Southampton Ethics Centre

Disciplinary Perspectives on Archiving Qualitative Data Event

12:30 - 14:30
23 June 2022

Event details

An online seminar sponsored by the National Centre for Research Methods on archiving qualitative data.

Carolynn Low is a post-graduate researcher at the University of Southampton. She reflects on the ethical and logistical challenges of archiving data from her study of refugee entrepreneurialism in the UK.

Susie Weller is Senior Researcher at the universities of Southampton and Oxford. Drawing on her experience in the ESRC Timescapes initiative, she argues for a reframing of data sharing policies and practices to foster ‘habits of care’.

David Zeitlyn is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford. He examines the complex and contradictory ethical dimensions of archiving data in temporal perspective, including trust, consent and anonymity.

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