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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre Seminars

Southampton Gravity seminars: 2017-2018

Seminars take place on Thursdays 12:45-13:45 in 54/7033(7C), unless otherwise noted.

5 October 2017: Andrew Cumming (McGill, Canada)

A neutron star calorimeter: constraining the core heat capacity and neutrino emissivity in accreting neutron stars

12 October 2017: Shuang-Yong Zhou (ICL)

Positivity bounds in Effective Field Theory

19 October 2017: Toby Crisford (Cambridge)

Cosmic censorship and the weak gravity conjecture

26 October 2017: Maria Rodriguez (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics-AEI, Germany and Utah State, USA)

Blandford-Znajek process in vacuo and its holographic dual

2 November 2017: Gavin Lamb (LJMU)

Using GW-EM counterparts to probe the structure and dynamics of relativistic jets from neutron star mergers

9 November 2017: Ruxandra Bondarescu (ICG-Portsmouth)

Prospects for measuring planetary spin in spacecraft timing signals

16 November 2017: Hannah Middleton (Birmingham)

Inference on properties of massive black hole binaries with pulsar timing array searches for gravitational waves

23 November 2017: Robert Ferdman (East Anglia)

Probing the evolution of double neutron star binary systems with pulsar observations

30 November 2017: Gyula Fodor (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Hungary)

Anti-de Sitter geons

7 December 2017: Will Farr (Birmingham)

Recent Results in Gravitational Wave Astronomy

14 December 2017: no seminar

Christmas Break

11 January 2018: Vanessa Graber (McGill, Canada)

Understanding dynamics of superfluid and superconducting neutron stars

Exam Period

1 February 2018: Jason Dexter (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany)

Exploring Strong Gravity in the Galactic Center

8 February 2018: No seminar

15 February 2018: Leo Stein (Caltech, USA)

Separating metric perturbations in near-horizon extremal Kerr, and deformations from stringy interactions

22 February 2018: Silvia Toonen (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

The evolution of triple-star systems

1 March 2018: No seminar

8 March 2018: No seminar

15 March 2018: No seminar

Easter Break

19 April 2018: No seminar

26 April 2018: No seminar

3 May 2018: Ian Moss (Newcastle University)

Higgs decay, black holes bubbles and bangs

10 May 2018: Bogdan Ganchev (Cambridge University)

Scalar hairy black holes in four dimensions are unstable

17 May 2018: Morgane Fortin (Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw)

Neutron stars: astrophysical laboratories for nuclear physics


David Tsang < >

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