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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Hidden spaces

Published: 19 January 2011

'Hidden Spaces' is an exhibition of sketchbooks curated by Danny Aldred, teaching fellow in graphic arts at Winchester School of Art. The show is on at Camberwell College of Art, in London and runs until 19 January, 2011 (10am to 8pm weekdays only).

Artists featured include Janet Bradley, Margaret Cooter, Egidija Čiricait, Andrew Foster, Christa Harris, Grayson Perry, Stewy and Natalie Yiaxi. WSA is well-represented, with sketchbooks by Danny Aldred, Stephen Cooper, WSA lecturer in Fine Art and Charlotte Knox-Williams, PhD student at WSA.

Danny writes, "For most artists, sketchbooks have been spaces in  which to rehearse and experiment without the pressure of the outside world. This removal of audience creates a non-judgemental, safe environment which stimulates explorative play which in turn can feed the creative process. Many artists have told me they consider their sketchbook work as important as final published works, yet have never exhibited or shown this work before, this still surprises me. The purpose of this exhibition is to bring together sketchbooks from a range of successful practitioners that for the most part have never been exhibited."

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