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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

University of Southampton celebrates outstanding results for the quality of its research

Published: 18 December 2014

The University of Southampton has maintained its position as one of the UK’s top research universities, following publication of the latest national assessment of research

The University of Southampton has maintained its position as one of the UK’s top research universities, following publication of the latest national assessment of research

The University of Southampton has reaffirmed its position as one of the UK’s top research universities following publication of the national Research Excellence Framework 2014, assessing the quality and impact of research across a wide range of disciplines.

Results of the REF show that 84% per cent of Southampton’s research activity is considered of internationally excellent or world-leading quality, placing the University once again amidst the top 20 leading research institutions in the country.

Winchester School of Art is within the top 10 in Art & Design for the quality of its research outputs. The University of Southampton’s Arts and Humanities research outputs are amongst the top 3 within the Arts and Humanities panels.

Please visit the REF 2014 website for the University of Southampton’s complete results.

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