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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Adam Procter: decentralised, delightful, digital Seminar

Adam Procter
16:00 - 17:30
17 May 2017
Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032), WSA

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor John Armitage at .

Event details

Why are the digital tools both staff and students use so terrible? What is wrong with Blackboard? Why can’t someone fix this? Education technology (Edutech) has been described as ‘ripe for disruption’ by those in Silicon Valley, they see a space with hundreds of thousands of distraught users flailing around in a world that user experience design forgot. The hero of education technology is around the corner. Silicon Valley is poised to take advantage of the huge funding and user base within the field of Edutech, we stand ready to welcome the sea of change that will transform our tools. But should we rejoice? This talk will offer an alternative view. Research undertaken within Adam’s Web Science PhD will support this talk and outline concerns around privacy, artificial intelligence and data driven agendas. The talk will show some examples of how we might approach making new digital tools and some experiments he has undertaken. Adam is writing up his upgrade and the resulting presentation and conversation are designed to support this process along with encouraging staff and students to become activity engaged as the project enters the next main phase of testing, feedback, iteration and realisation.

Speaker information

Adam Procter ,Adam is a HEA Fellow and highly-experienced educator with more than 15 years of experience teaching art and design. Adam has a research-led focus in both his teaching and practice and is a keen open-source, free-software, indie tech evangelist and creative commons and co-operative advocate. Adam has a BA in Animation and an MA in Art, Design and Internet Technologies. Adam advises the Faculty on technology-enhanced learning and is a member of the Virtual Infrastructure Technical Advisory Group for the University. Adam is undertaking a practice based Web Science PhD. His research is looking at how to reimagine virtual learning environments (VLE) within Art & Design HE. This research looks to extend and enhance studio teaching practice from the physical into the digital and visa versa. Using current educational theory, contemporary design methodologies and an understanding of Art & Design practice Adam hopes to transform a land that user experience appears to have forgotten. Adam has been involved in several projects across the UK and within the University around open education resources (OER) and user experience design to support these materials, most recently this has included projects with ECS on EdShare and Synote, platforms for materials and videos respectively. In the last year, he has been a co-investigator managing an intern, providing design thinking workshops and concepts to support open access to the University of Southampton’s Archaeology project PORTUS. ## Previous related publications The need for delight in online education materials. First International Workshop on Understanding Delight in Design: User Experience, Technologies and Tools User Experience (a hidden barrier) in OER. Drawing on All Resources: Developing Open Educational Practice in Art, Design and Media

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