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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Postgraduate - Masters

Here is a selection of related MSc opportunities

MRes Clinical and Health Research is open to all healthcare professionals, and social, human or clinical/health science graduates who wish to acquire the knowledge and skills that are central to clinical research or health and health services research.

MSc Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (1 yr) This analytical chemistry masters is structured around a solid core comprised of the three main analytical techniques – Mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

MSc Biodevices (formerly Bionanotechnology) This interdisciplinary programme explores the functional integration of nanofabricated structures and biological molecules into microscale biodevices and systems.

MSc Biomedical Engineering (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) (1 yrs) The diversified role of engineers has led to many clinical breakthroughs in healthcare.

MSc Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) (1 yr) Develop your knowledge of material properties, their limitations and engineering context and microstructural and surface characterisation; for example in the bio-materials module.

MSc Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care  A course which will allow you to apply your findings in the workplace, to enhance the quality of care and health outcomes.

The interdisciplinary MSc in Public Health at the University of Southampton
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