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The University of Southampton
Aerospace Our research

Research project: Condition monitoring to predict component wear - Dormant - Dormant

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Electrostatic charge detection was originally developed at General Electric Aviation for the identification of debris in the gas path of jet engines and gas turbines.  This work monitors online the evolution of wear debris using novel electrostatic sensing.

Wear site sensors identify charge variation at wearing sites and oil line sensors ocated in downstream lubrication systems identify charge transportation from lubricated contacts.  These novel sensing techniques are correlated to established diagnostic systems such as ferromagnetic and eddy current particle counters, vibration accelerometers, acoustic emissions and thermocouples.  Furthermore, the wear products are monitored off-line with optical particle counters, ferrography, spectrometric oil analysis and electron microscopy.  Changes in lubricant condition are monitored using acid number and viscometry.  Results show the sensitivity of electrostatic monitoring to component distress and identify precursor warning of impending component failures.

This work is funed by the Tribotex Incorporation Japan, who provide machine diagnosis expertise for a range of power generation industries throughout Asia.

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