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The University of Southampton
Aerospace Our research

Research project: Erosion-corrosion modelling - Dormant - Dormant

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The project is developing models for robust prediction of solid particle erosion-corrosion using new modelling strategies combining electrochemical, materials and mechanical models.

The aim of this research to to gain further understanding of erosion-corrosion processes such as depassivation and repassivation of metallic surfaces of bulk and coated systems.  This understanding will be developed by systematically studying the effect of temperature, solid loading, solid velocities, strain rate and impact angle.  Computational approaches are used to accurately determine the role of particle impacts and the material response.  Experimental strategies are methodologies will also be developed to further inform this modelling approach.

Testing is done using existing laboratory rigs coupled with advaned electrochemical and in-situ measurement capabilities such as electrochemical noise, electrochemical impedence spectroscopy and polarisation techniques.  Single as well as multiple impact events are studied using a wet stage nanoindentation corrosion cell.

Conferences and events associated with this project:

Evidence of erosion-corrosion
Evidence of erosion-corrosion
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