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The University of Southampton
Aerospace Our research

Research project: Finite element methods for aircraft noise prediction - Dormant

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The aim of this project is to develop and test an efficient flow acoustics solver based on the finite element method and potential flow theory.

This project was part of the Acoustics Group under the supervision of Dr Gwenael Gabard.

The project will begin with the dispersion analysis of various finite element methods. Dispersion error and amplitude error will be calculated for 1-D and 2-D schemes. The finite element method will be modified to incorporate mean flow effects, and dispersion analysis will be used to assess accuracy when compared to standard finite elements. A complete comparison will be made of the different methods considered. A few preferred methods will be chosen for further development. These selected methods will be designed to predict far-field noise from axis-symmetric aircraft engines. It will be demonstrated that the solver is capable of solving the most typical test cases related to aircraft engine noise. The solver will finally be incorporated into existing prediction software provided by the sponsor, LMS International.

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