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The University of Southampton
Alumni and supporters

Leave a gift in your will

Ever since Henry Robinson Hartley left a legacy gift to found the original Hartley Institution in 1862, gifts in wills have had a real impact on the University of Southampton. By remembering Southampton in your will, you can make a lasting difference and become part of our University story for generations to come.

Remembering Southampton

The University of Southampton is a special place where memories are formed and stories begin. If you’d like to remember Southampton in your will, there are a number of great ways to make a real impact:

Support tomorrow’s students

Your gift will make a huge difference to the lives of students at Southampton. Many of our supporters wish to ensure that today’s bright students have the same opportunities that they enjoyed, regardless of their financial circumstances or background. Give the gift of education by funding life-changing bursaries and scholarships.

Launch tomorrow’s research

You can fund groundbreaking research happening right here at Southampton: from finding new ways to treat cancer to understanding how humans hear and process sound. Together with our donors, we are pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Our world-renowned interdisciplinary institute specialises in fields as diverse as oceanography, photonics, and Jewish/ non-Jewish relations.

Shape tomorrow’s University

Your gift can enable the University to respond flexibly to the ever-changing challenges we face as a society. By leaving an unrestricted gift in your will you ensure we can make the most of opportunities as they arise, helping to shape the Southampton of tomorrow.

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Denis’ story

Denis Henry Desty studied Chemistry at Southampton in the late 1940s. He became a pioneer in the fields of chromatography and combustion science, twice winning the Tswett Medal for Chromatography in 1974 and 1978, as well as the Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Combustion Chemistry in 1982. Nearly 500 patents are associated with his name.

Denis and his wife Doreen chose to leave a generous gift in their will to support Chemistry scholarships at Southampton. Denis often reflected that he might not have had such a successful career without the scholarship he received at Southampton, and wished to give back to support future generations of aspiring scientists.

The Denis Henry Desty Scholarship Programme provides two scholarships of £8,000 for undergraduate students each year, as well as support for PhD students and funding for vital outreach activities with local schools. Denis’ gift will encourage dozens of bright students to follow in his footsteps.

This is Denis’ legacy. What will yours be?

Find out more

If you're considering remembering Southampton in your will, we would love to discuss your plans. We can make sure it is possible to fulfil your wishes and thank you appropriately for your generous support.

To start a dialogue, please contact our Legacy Manager, Nicola Clark on +44 23 8059 0294 or via email at .

Alternatively, you can download a copy of our legacy pack (PDF 2.4MB)

Can I specify in my will which area I would like to support?

Absolutely, we welcome legacy gifts towards the area you care most about, whether that’s providing scholarships for future students or investing in a particular area of research. However, we would encourage you not to add too many restrictions, so that we are able to achieve the most impact with your kind support.

We always recommend that you consult with a legal adviser when drafting or amending your will.

How will my legacy pledge be recognised?

When you let us know that you have included a gift in your will, we will invite you to become part of the Moore Circle. You’ll receive an annual report from the University and an invitation to an exclusive event each year, celebrating the impact philanthropy is having at Southampton.

If you have remembered Southampton in your will, we would be grateful if you could fill out a legacy intention form.

This information is not legally binding, and we realise that your intentions may change. This will simply enable us to understand your current wishes and recognise your generosity.

What are the tax benefits of including a gift in my will?

The University of Southampton is an exempt charity, so a gift in your will is exempt from Inheritance Tax. Our HMRC reference number is: X19140
Additionally, Inheritance Tax is reduced from 40% to 36% for those who leave more than 10% of their estate to charity.

Further information is available on the HMRC website.

I am a solicitor and my client wishes to remember Southampton in their will

We hope the following information will be helpful:

The University of Southampton is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011.
Our HMRC reference number is: X19140
Our registered address is: University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, SO17 1BJ.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Legacy Manager, Richard Wilson on +44 (0)23 8059 7157 or via email at

I am an executor and there is a gift to the University of Southampton in the Will. How can I make payment?

Please make all cheques payable to ‘The University of Southampton’ and send to the following address:

Legacy Manager
Office of Development & Alumni Relations
Directorate of Engagement & Advancement
University of Southampton
Building 37, Room 3107, Highfield Campus
Southampton SO17 1BJ

If you have any questions about making a payment, please contact our Legacy Manager, Richard Wilson on +44 (0)23 8059 7157 or via email at .

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