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Revd Isaac Livingstone
Revd Isaac Livingstone (1885-1979) was visiting minster at Aldershot, 1907-8, minister at Bradford, 1909-16, and Minister at Golders Green, 1916-53. He was secretary of the Union of Anglo-Jewish Preachers from 1925 onwards and a member of the council of Jews' College, London, and of the Anglo-Jewish Association. Livingstone was Jewish representative on the National and London Council of Social Services and a member of the executive committee of the London Society of Jews and Christians.
About the collection
Lecture and sermon notes, 1908 onwards, predominantly on religious themes, with others explaining aspects to Jewish life to a non-Jewish audience. There are pamphlets, lectures and works by other authors, including B.L.Q.Henriques, Myer Domnitz, Harold Levy, Nathan Morris and Cecil Roth.
Date range:
Former references:
AJ 276
21 boxes
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