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Joint Israel Appeal Project
The United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) is the British branch of Keren Hayesod or the United Israel Appeal. It works to guarantee a sustainable and positive future for the people of Israel’s Galil and the Jewish community in the UK.
There have been a number of renewal projects in Israel supported by the UK Jewish community. One such project was established to renew and rebuild the Israeli city of Ashkelon over a ten year period during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In 1986, the Joint Israel Appeal Project Renewal Dimona Committee was formed to establish a partnership between Jews in Britain and Dimona, modelled on the previous success of Ashkelon. Dimona is an Israeli city in the Negev desert in the Southern District of Israel.
About the collection
The collection includes material dating from 1972-94 and includes: correspondence, memorandum, reports and publications; financial papers such as income and expenditure sheets and invoices; press cuttings including from the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Chronicle and more general articles regarding economics; applications for grants and minutes from meetings.
There is material concerning Project Renewal Ashkelon including community meetings and long-range projections and a smaller amount of material concerning the Dimona renewal and development programme and the Beer-Sheva English centre. The collection includes many papers concerned with regeneration and generating research and innovation; increasing employment and absorbing immigration and housing and environmental development. There are also papers specifically concerning dental health including the UK Dental Committee, dental clinics and equipment.
Date range:
Former references:
26 boxes
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