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Small collections of historical documents, 1278-late 17th century
Date range:
1278-late 17th century
Documents found among the papers of John Wesley Horrocks (MS 72/6) and possibly originally associated with the Stockwell papers, now in the Southampton City Record Office and in part published as The Miscellaneous papers of Captain Thomas Stockwell , 1590-1611 ed. J.Rutherford (Southampton Record Society, 32-33; 1932-3) i, p. v: (i) bill of adventure of Robert Semor, captain of the barque, Hero, of Southampton, to Thomas Stockwell of Southampton, for five muskets for the voyage of the Hero, 5 July 1599 (MS 83/1/1) (ii) letter from John Walker [?] to Lieutenant Joseph at Sir Oliver Lambert's at Thomas Court, asking for money and bonds owed to him by Lambert when Lambert next comes to Dublin; news of the burning of Omaleye [Offaly], 1 October 1601 (MS 83/1/2) (iii) receipt from William Chaundeler of London for 6. 13s. 4d. from Thomas Stockwell of Southampton `for my Christmas quarteridge', 25 December 1606 (MS 83/1/3) (iv) notes on the patronage of the church of St Mary in Southampton, a rectory presentative, endorsed `The state of Dr Clutterbucks case concerning the rectory of St Marys near South[amp]ton', late 17th century (MS 83/1/4)
Former references:
LF 780 UNI 2/7/31/21
One folder
Two charters referring to the same piece of land in Wendling, Norfolk (i) grant of Jordan Folyot, knight, to William de Saham, clerk, 8 October 1278 (MS 83/2/1) (ii) grant of William de Saham, clerk, to the Premonstratensian Abbey of Wendling, 2 January 1281/2 (MS 83/2/2)
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