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The University of Southampton
ARTIC PC - Antibiotics for lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children presenting in Primary Care

Pathology request forms

The requisition form for both the blood and throat swab sample is included in the relevant box with the sample tubes.

Please be sure to add all the information to the form and sample, so they can be married up - like any clinical specimen the lab will need at least three identifiers on each tube and form. The forms that go with the sample are called 'EXTERNAL' forms.

If the parent/child only has agreed to the throat swab for immediate analysis use the green topped swab.

If you are unable to get much blood, please use the orange tube first. If the child is old enough and you wish to use venepuncture then transfer the blood, that is fine.

Add all the information about the samples to the ResearchOnline database.

In addition the PID packcontains a form (called 'INTERNAL' ) to send back to your Centre (University), this is to ensure you are paid for the effort you make from the Research Costs payable. Copies of all forms are available in our 'Useful downloads' section below.

Finger prick blood collection
Finger prick blood collection
Throat swab
Throat swab

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