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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences Postgraduate study

Mrs Shelby Lee Sizemore Hardy

MRes Wildlife Conservation student

Mrs Shelby Lee Sizemore Hardy's photo

Shelby Hardy is an MRes Wildlife student within the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.

I graduated from the University of Louisville with a B.A in Biology in 2015. For my dissertation I will be studying the Sand Lizards at Eelmoor Marsh. I will be focusing on the individual behaviour of the lizards and analysing which behaviour is more favourable for the reintroduction process.

Research interests

My research interests consists of animal behaviour and wildlife conservation. During my undergrad I studied white-footed mice and their habitat selection within urban woodlands, focusing on animal behaviour. Post graduation, I left for Botswana, were I studied for two months in a program directed by Wildlife ACT. Here my main focus was on conservation of the Okavango Delta and the animals that reside there.

Why I chose MRes Wildlife Conservation

I chose MRes Wildlife Conservation because I have wanted to study animals and their natural habitats for my entire life. The world around us is changing fast, and the populations of the animals that we know and love are decreasing every year. It is our responsibility to do all we can to prevent their extinction. This program is designed to give its students the practical skills and knowledge to achieve this task.

Aims for the future

My aspirations are to become either a Wildlife Manager or work for a company that is focused in wildlife conservation research similar to Wildlife ACT.

Supervisor(s): Dr Heidi Mitchell (Marwell Zoo) and Dr Judith Lock (UoS)

Research group

Ecology and Evolution

Affiliate research group

MRes Wildlife Conservation

Mrs Shelby Lee Sizemore Hardy
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences
Life Sciences Building 85
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ

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