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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

CORMSIS hosts successful bi-annual alumni event

Published: 27 April 2016
Professor Sally Brailsford
Professor Sally Brailsford, Director of CORMSIS

The Centre of Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems (CORMSIS) hosted its bi-annual Alumni event on Friday 11 March. CORMSIS incorporates analytical masters programmes from both Southampton Business School and Mathematical Sciences.

Peter Becque, CORMSIS Industry Liaison Officer, introduced Professor Sally Brailsford, Director of CORMSIS, who gave an inspirational overview of her career to date. Alumni from 1988 onwards attended the event, together with academic staff and current students. The event provided an opportunity to catch up and network, and resulted in a number of new opportunities for CORMSIS.

CORMSIS is one of the largest such groups in the UK, spanning the Mathematics and Southampton Business School and including colleagues with interests in OR/MS/IS from other areas. It covers the whole spectrum of current OR/MS/IS from theoretical mathematical developments to problem structuring and knowledge management, and has internationally-renowned expertise in the specific areas of risk, optimisation, finance and health.

If you would like to find out more about CORMSIS contact Peter Becque or Julie Hickman (Industry Liaison officers) or visit the CORMSIS website.

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