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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Quarterly Research Highlights

Published: 14 September 2016

This page provides a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, with news about publications, speaking engagements and funded research over the last few months.

Papers Accepted:

Bennell, J.A., M. Mesgapour, C.N.Potts, Dynamic Scheduling of Aircraft Landings, European Journal of Operational Research [ABS 4*]

Chughtai, H. and Myers, Michael D. (2016). Entering the Field in Qualitative Field Research: A Rite of Passage into a Complex Practice World. Information Systems Journal. forthcoming. [ABS 3*]

Dawson, I.G.J., Johnson, J.E.V., & Luke, M.A. (2016) One Too Many? Understanding the Influence of Risk Factor Quantity on Perceptions of Risk. Risk Analysis [ABS 4*].

Degl'innocenti M. Calabrese R. & Osmetti S. “The effectiveness of TARP-CPP on the US Banking Industry: a new copula-based approach.” European Journal of Operational Research. [ABS 4*]

Degl'Innocenti M, Kourtzidis SA, Sevic Z, Tzeremes NG (2016, Forthcoming). Investigating bank efficiency in transition economies: A window-based weight assurance region approach. Economic Modelling, DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.08.015. [ABS 2*]

Eross, A., Urquhart, A., Wolfe, S. Liquidity risk contagion in the Interbank Market. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Forthcoming. [ABS 3*]

Koc, C., Bektas, T., Jabali, O., Laporte, G. (2016, Forthcoming). A comparison of three idling options in long-haul truck scheduling. Transportation Research Part B. [ABS 4*]

Osorio, A.F., Brailsford, S.C., Smith, H.K., Forero, S. and Camacho, B. (2016) Simulation-optimization model for production planning in the blood supply chain. Health Care Management Science, doi: 10.1007/s10729-016-9370-6 [ABS 2*]

Robinson, N., & Baden, D. (2016). Embedding sustainability in the practice of trainee entrants to the Hairdressing industry. TVET Asia, 6 (The Greening of Technical and Vocational Education and Training). doi:

Schoeneborn, D. & Homberg, F. (2016). Goffman's return to Las Vegas: Studying corruption as social interaction. Journal of Business Ethics [ABS 3*]

Stewart, H., Gapp, R. and Harwood, I. (2017),: 'Exploring the alchemy of qualitative management research: Seeking trustworthiness, credibility and rigor through crystallization', The Qualitative Report, 22, 1, In print.

Zuofa, T. and Ochieng, E.G. Sustainability in construction projects delivery: a study of experienced Project Managers in Nigeria. Project Management Journal [ABS 1*]

Guzman-Castillo, M., Brailsford, S.C., Luke, M. and Smith, H.K. (2015). A tutorial on selecting and interpreting predictive models for ordinal health-related outcomes. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 15(304), 223-240.

Walsh, B., Lattimer, V., Wintrup, Julie and Brailsford, S.C. (2014). Professional perspectives on systemic barriers to admission avoidance: learning from a system dynamics study of older people’s admission pathways. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 10(2), 105-114.

Viana, J., Brailsford, S.C., Harindra, V and Harper, P.R. (2014). Combining discrete-event simulation and system dynamics in a healthcare setting: a composite model for Chlamydia infection. European Journal of Operational Research, 37(1), 196-206. [ABS 4*]

Papers Published:

Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2016). Human resource management and public service motivation: where are we, and where do we go from here? International Journal of Manpower, 37(5), 746 - 763. [ABS 2*]

Josh Ryan-Collins, Richard A. Werner and Jennifer Castle (2016). A half-century diversion of monetary policy? An empirical horse-race to identify the UK variable most likely to deliver the desired nominal GDP growth rate, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 43 (July), 158–176 [ABS 3*]

Ma, T. Tang, L., McGroarty, F., Sung, M., Johnson J.E. V, Time is money: Costing the impact of duration misperception in market prices, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 255, Issue 2, 1 December 2016, 397-410, ISSN 0377-2217 (ABS 4*, published)

Ochieng, E.G., Egbu, C., Price, A.D.F., Zuofa, T. and Ruan, X. (2016). Revitalising capital project development and execution strategies: Lessons from the energy sector. Journal of Production Planning and Control, 27 (4), 237-248. [ABS 3*]

Conference Papers:

Bijak, K. and Degl'innocenti, M. (2016) The quantitative analysis of the Research Excellence Framework effectiveness in evaluating the British universities’ third mission, 28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2016), Poznań (Poland), 3-6 July.

Baruch Y. “Informal enforcement of proper conduct. In Ethics, globalization and business in the Judaeo-Islamic milieu, Cambridge.

Bravo C. "Business Analytics and Big Data: New Challenges for Generating Added Value". BAFI August 25 2016, Santiago, Chile

Cantore, S. and Gatenby, M. (with Davidson, T. and Phelps, S. First year UG Students). Keynote presentation: Self-directed student learning : Newcastle University Business School Learning and Teaching Workshop 6th July 2016.

Cantore, S. Keynote Presentation: MSc Organisational and People Development Alumni Conference Roffey Park Management College 14th July 2016.

T. Rowledge, T. Davidson, L. Harris, N. Fair, M. Gatenby (2016) creating and sharing content through open virtual platforms: the student perspective, EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 4-6 July, Barcelona, pp. 8352-8359.

Ahmad, F., Gatenby, M., Meyer, E. (2016) Stakeholders' perspectives on performance-related pay in the public sector: a multiple case study approach, 19th Annual Critical Realism conference, Cardiff University, 20-22 July 2016.

Johnson J.E.V., Sung, M., Vaughan Williams, L. How valuable are market-based indicators in forecasting major event outcomes. Asia Pacific Conference on Economics and Finance (APEF 2016), July 27-28, Singapore, 2016.

Sung, M., Johnson J.E.V., Wang, S., Fraser Mackenzie, P., Tai, C., Vaughan Williams, L. Insights concerning the effects of weather on risk-taking in a speculative financial market. Asia Pacific Conference on Economics and Finance (APEF 2016), July 27-28, Singapore, 2016.

Sung, M., Johnson J.E.V., McDonald, D., Vaughan Williams, L. New insights into the prevalence of herding and its effects on financial market efficiency. Asia Pacific Conference on Economics and Finance (APEF 2016), July 27-28, Singapore, 2016.

Tantisantiwong, N. & Treepoonsuk, M. Portfolio weighting: Combined economic factors. The 28th Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, Bangkok, June 2016

Zha, Y., Power, D. & Tantisantiwong, N. Credit risk spillovers among Asian sovereigns and firms. The 28th Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, Bangkok, June 2016

Zuofa, T., Ochieng, E.G. and Ruan, X. Revitalising safety practices in construction projects: the case of Nigeria and United Kingdom. Submitted to British Academy of Management Conference (paper accepted for presentation).

Book Chapters and Reports:

Baruch, Y. (2016). Hitting your preferred target: positioning papers for different types of journals. In T. Clark, M. Wright, & D. Ketchen, (Eds.). How to Get Published in the Top Management Journals. pp 168-179. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Goddard, A. Grounded Theory (GT) Approach to Accounting Studies: overview of Principles, Assumptions and Methods in The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods, Routledge, London.

Lewis, S. Passmore, J. Cantore, S. (2016). Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management. 2nd Ed, London: Kogan Page.

PhD Completions:

Yi-Wen Chao, PhD in Management, supervised by Professor Franz Huber

Iain Lucas, PhD in Management, supervised by Professor Mine Karatas-Ozkan and Professor Edgar Meyer

Jun Neoh, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Max Chipulu and Dr Alasdair Marshall

Ashley Booth, PhD in Complex Systems Simulation, supervised by Professor Frank McGroarty and Dr Enrico Gerding

Reuben Binns, PhD in Web Science, supervised by Dr Lisa Harris and Dr David Millard

Farhad Reyazat, PhD in Management, supervised by Professor Richard Werner

Other Special Achievements:

Fatimah Zainudin’s paper “Tax avoidance: a threat to corporate legitimacy? An examination of companies’ Financial and CSR Reports.”, published in Business Tax Revie. was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: a number of topic categories

Yehuda Baruch’s work on swearing in the workplace was featured in BBC and in CNBC

Yehuda Baruch was best Reviewer of the year, Academy of Management Learning and Education (2016) and for the Careers Division of the Academy of Management conference (2016)

Ian Harwood has been invited to be on the steering group for the new EPSRC-funded NEXUS science University USRG

Gavin Midgley had an article published on The Conversation website titled “Could a corporation tax rate of 15% work for the UK?”.

Two articles by Mike Molesworth have been selected to appear in a new Editor’s Choice collection on Digital Consumption, in the JMM and are now available free online.

Denegri-Knott, J. and Molesworth, M., 2013. Redistributed consumer desire in digital virtual worlds of consumption. Journal of marketing management, 29(13-14), pp.1561-1579.

Watkins, R.D., Denegri-Knott, J. and Molesworth, M., 2016. The relationship between ownership and possession: observations from the context of digital virtual goods. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(1-2), pp.44-70.

Ming-Chien Sung (PI) Johnnie Johnson (CI), Tiejun Ma (CI) Peter Fraser-Mackenzie (Associate) have recently been awarded the highest grade of ‘Outstanding’ and a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ by Innovate UK for a completed 3-year KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) project, titled “To develop a state-of-the art trading dashboard presenting cognitively-intuitive real-time risk information that optimises clients' risk management decisions through effective human-technology distributed cognition” (KTP009163) partnered with Star Financial Systems Limited. The partnership was reviewed and assessed by a panel of independent assessors and was judged outstanding based on the KTP aims of 'strengthening competitiveness, wealth creation and economic performance of the UK by the enhancement of knowledge and skills in the stimulation of innovation’. The Project has also been added to the short list from which Innovate UK will develop its significant KTP Case studies.

Richard Werner has been invited as a Fellow of the prestigious global CES-ifo Research Network.

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