Recent research highlights from Southampton Business School
This page provides a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, with news about publications, speaking engagements and funded research.
Papers Accepted
Al-Mataani, R.; Wainwright, T. and Demirel, Pelin (2017) Hidden Entrepreneurs: Informal Practices within the Formal Economy. European Management Review [ABS 3*]
Baruch, Y. Ollier-Malaterre, A. Prouska, R. & Bunk, J. (2017). Swearing at Work: The Mixed Outcomes of Profanity. Journal of Managerial Psychology [ABS 3*]
Baxter, D.I., Colledge, T., Turner, N. (forthcoming). A study of accountability in two organizational learning frameworks: why accountability for learning is critical. European Management Review [ABS 3*]
De Caux, R., McGroarty, F. and Brede, M. , “The evolution of risk and bailout strategy in banking systems”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (Impact Factor 1.785)
Dohle, S. and Dawson, I. (2017) Putting knowledge into practice: Does information on adverse drug interactions influence people's dosing behavior? British Journal of Health Psychology. (ISI Impact Factor: 2.90)
Huang Y. (2017). Information architecture for effective Workload Control: an insight from a successful implementation, Production Planning and Control [ABS 3*]
Ko, W. W. and G. Liu (2016), “Environmental Strategy and Competitive Advantage: The Role of Small- And Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Dynamic Capabilities”, Business Strategy and The Environment, DOI: 10.1002/bse.1938. (ABS 3*)
Liu, G., W. W. Ko. and C. Chapleo (2016), “How and When Socially Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Organizations Benefit From Adopting Social Alliance Management Routines to Manage Social Alliances?”, Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-016-3231-6. (ABS 3*)
Ma, T. and McGroarty, F. , “Social Machines: How recent technological advances have aided financialisation”, Journal of Information Technology [ABS 3*]
Conference Papers
Elmagrhi, M.H., Ntim, C.G., Emily Smith, Abdou, H., and Fosu, S. ‘Trustee Board Diversity, Governance Mechanisms, Capital Structure and Performance in UK Charities’, Submitted to the Organisers of the Public Services and Charities Special Interest Group, British Accounting and Finance Association, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK, January 2017 .
Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali; Baines, Tim; Schroeder, Andreas; Brown, Steve; Musson, Eleanor; Shi, Victor G.; Calabrese, Armando. (2016) Measuring the adoption of servitization in manufacturing firms. Paper presented at 76th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, United States.
Book Chapters/Reports
Grigore, G., Molesworth, M. and Watkins, R. , 2017. New Corporate Responsibilities in the Digital Economy. In Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post-Financial Crisis Era (pp. 41-62). Springer International Publishing.
PhD Completions
Andres Osorio Muriel , PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Sally Brailsford and Dr Honora Smith ;
Tam Nguyen , PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Teeven Soobaroyen and Prof Andrew Goddard ;
Murat Oguz , PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Tolga Bektas and Prof Julia Bennell ;
Daniel Mayorga Serna , PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Simon Wolfe and Dr Marta Degl'Innocenti .
Grants and Awards
Broad, M.J. £30,000 Research Grant from British Council “A comparative study of quality assurance processes for higher education: UK and Vietnam. Joint research project between the University of Southampton and VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, Vietnam.
Costanzo L. PI, Karatas-Ozkan. M. and Ibrahim, S. were awarded £6,254.06 by the ESRC IAA for a research project on “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion”.
Tri-Dung Nguyen has been awarded a 5-year EPSRC Fellowship (£523,037). The project title is "Cooperative Game Theory: New Mathematical and Algorithmic Approaches”. The purpose of this fellowship is to provide paradigm-shifting research on cooperative game theory as well as to address fundamental challenges in operational research. The PI will also apply the research findings to novel applications such as to enable a more stable LINK network of banks by providing a fair cost sharing mechanism to the LINK members on their shared ATM network. The EPSRC provides funding to cover the 90% of the PI time for the period of 5 years to solely focus on research (value: £523,037). It is EPSRC expectation that the PI will emerge as a world-leader in his field by the end of the fellowship.
Other Special Achievements
Ian Harwood gave an invited talk on 'Decarbonising the Unilink bus fleet' at the University's Environmental Change showcase.”
Frank McGroarty received the final review report for his EU FP7 research project “IoT-Lab”. The project was awarded the second highest possible commendation.