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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

Recent research highlights from Southampton Business School

Published: 7 March 2017

This page provides a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, with news about publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Papers Accepted

AlOmari, M., Power, D.M., Tantisantiwong, N. (2017) “Determinants of equity return correlations: A case study of the Amman Stock Exchange”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting [ABS 3*]

Chithambo, L & Tauringana, V. (2017) “Corporate governance and greenhouse gas disclosure: A mixed-methods approach" Corporate Governance [ABS2*].

Degl’Innocenti Marta, Tapas Mishra, Simon Wolfe (2017). Branching, lending and competition in Italian banking. European Journal of Finance [ABS 3*]

Guo, L. Baruch, Y. & Russo, M. (2917). Work Resources and Civic Engagement: Benefits to Employee Physical and Mental Health. Journal of Vocational behaviour [ABS 4*]

Maldonado, S., Pérez, J. and Bravo, C. (2017) Cost-based feature selection for Support Vector Machines - An application in credit scoring. European Journal of Operational Research. In Press [ABS 4*]

Papers Published

Jones, M & Masters, C., “Reporting Back” Accounting and Business, March, p60-61

Marshall, A. (2016). Pareto and the Missing Concept of Prudence. Il Pensiero Economico Italiano, XXIV, 2, pp. 61-77.

Conference Papers Text

Gong, Y., Jia, F. and Brown, S. (2017), “Modernisation of dairy farms: the case of Nestlé’s Dairy Farming Institute in China”, 4th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and supply Chain Forum, Milan, Italy, February 27-28.


Vadim Grinevich is an invited Co-I in a bid of Aston University Proposal “Electricity Satnav - Electricity Smart Availability Topology of Network for Abundant electric Vehicles” The bid has been approved by EPSRC. It is a £200,000 project, and Soton share is £26,708.

PhD Completions

Tony Abdoush, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Simon Wolfe and Dr Alastair Marshall;

Yajie Nie, PhD in Management, supervised by Prof Sally Brailsford and Prof Maria Evandrou.

Other Special Achievements

Alessia D'Amato’s paper entitled “When leaders get off track: The interactive effects of leader behaviors, organizational level, and power distance on derailment potential” has been recommended for High Commendation in relation to the GLOBE Robert J. House Best Research Paper Award.

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