Dr Çağrı Koç Wins Doctoral Thesis Award supervised by Southampton Business School

Dr Çağrı Koç, currently a postdoctoral researcher at HEC Montréal since October 2015, has received the prestigious 2015 OR Society Doctoral Award from the Operational Research (OR) Society, for his doctoral thesis entitled Heterogeneous Location and Pollution-Routing Problems.
This is a great achievement for Cagri; his supervisors from Southampton Business School, Prof Tolga Bektas and Prof Julia Bennell together with Professor Gilbert Laporte (from HEC Montreal and Visiting Professor at Southampton Business School) and Dr Ola Jabali from HEC Montreal. Dr Koç has been an exceptional doctoral student who, before completing his PhD thesis, was already able to publish his research work in prestigious academic journals (2 papers published in 4*ABS journals and 1 paper published in a 3*ABS journal). In recognition of these achievements, he was awarded the PGR Publication Award three times during his PhD candidature at Southampton Business School. Çağrı’s achievement is a truly inspirational example of research leadership to many other PGR candidates and junior researchers.
In addition to a cash prize of £1,500, he will be invited to present his research at the next annual conference of the OR Society, in February 2018.
Further details of the award can be found here. http://www.hec.ca/en/news/2017/postdoctoral-researcher-cagr-koc-wins-an-award-in-england.html.