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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School

May research highlights from Southampton Business School

Published: 7 June 2017

This page provides a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, with news about publications, speaking engagements and funded research.

Papers Accepted

Zhu B., Baesens B., Van den Broucke S., An empirical comparison of techniques for the class imbalance problem in churn prediction, Information Sciences, forthcoming, 2017. Impact factor: 3.364

Oskarsdottir, M., Bravo, C., Verbeke, W., Sarraute, C., Baesens, B., & Vanthienen, J. (2017). Social network analytics for churn prediction in telco: model building, evaluation and network architecture. Expert Systems with Applications. [ABS: 3*]

Bui, H. Zeng, Y., & Higgs, M.J. (In Press). The role of person-job fit in the relationship between transformational leader and job engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology, DOI (10.1108/JMP-05-2016-0144)

Homberg, F., Vogel, R. & Weiherl, J. (2017). Public Service Motivation and Continuous Organizational Change: Taking Charge Behavior at Police Services. Public Administration, [ABS: 4*]

McGee, R. & Johnson J.E.V. . Everyone’s a winner: The market Impact of technologically advantaged agents. Economics Letters [ABS 3*].

Restocchi, V. McGroarty, F. Gerding, E. Johnson, J.E. V. The impact of transaction costs on state-contingent claims mispricing, Finance Research Letters [ABS 2*]

Watkins, R and Molesworth, M (Forthcoming), Towards a trajectory of consumption in the imagination, Marketing Theory, [ABS: 3*]

Ramoglou, S. & Tsang, E. W. K. 2017. Killing the empiricist dream – not opportunities: Accepting the unknowables of entrepreneurship and overcoming philosophical obstacles to scientific progress. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, doi: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2017.05.002

Al-Abdin, A. Roy, K. & Nicholso, J. (2017), Researching Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East- the current state and future directions, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, DOI (10.1002/csr.1439)

Dawson, C., Veliziotis, M. and Hopkins, B. (2017) “Understanding the perception of the ‘migrant work ethic’”, Work, Employment and Society (ABS 4*). DOI: 10.1177/0950017017706306

Carbonell J. B. and Werner R. A. (2017), Do FDI Inflows Generate Economic Growth in Large Developed Economies? A New Empirical Approach, Applied to Spain, Economic Geography [ABS 4*]

Papers Published

Steve Chen, (2017) "Responsible brands vs active brands? An examination of brand personality on brand awareness, brand trust, and brand loyalty", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 35 Issue: 2, pp.166-179, doi: 10.1108/ MIP-04-2016-0064 [ABS 1*]

Liu, G., Ko, W. W. and Chapleo, C. (2017), “Managing Employee Attention and Internal Branding”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp 1-11. [ABS 3*]

Batten, J., Lucey, B. M., McGroarty, F., Peat, M., Urquhart, A. (2017). Stylized facts of intraday precious metals. PLOS One, 12(4): e0174232.
Impact factor 3.057

Grants & Awards

Liu, G. and Ko, W. W. have been made an award of £9000 by the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grants (2016/17) for the project of "Social Entrepreneurial Transformation Capabilities: A Study of UK-based Socially Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Organization"

Conference Papers

Guo, L. Russo, M. and Baruch, Y. “Civic engagement, life happiness and health” Paper presented at the 7th Community, Work and Family international conference, Università Cattolica, Milan.

Book Chapters and Reports

‘Defining Corporate Governance: Shareholder versus Stakeholder Models’, in “Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance”, Springer, USA [Accepted and in Press, May 2017]. Roy, K. (2017), Responsible leadership: realism and romanticism, Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI (10.1080/14767333.2017.1282641)

Kornelakis, A., Voskeritsian, H., Veliziotis, M., Kapotas, P. and Georgaki, K. (2017), Prospects for a new employment relations and labour market model in Greece. Final Report for the London School of Economics, Hellenic Observatory, National Bank of Greece Small Grants Scheme.

PhD Completions

Xiaozhou Zhao supervised by Julia Bennell and Tolga Bektas Rashid Al-Mataani supervised by Pelin Demirel Liu and Mine Karatas-Ozkan

Other special achievements

Prof Julia Bennell has been appointed chair and co-ordinator of the European Working group in cutting and packing (ESICUP), one of28 working groups within the European Federation of Operational Research Societies. The group has been running since 2002 and has a membership of over 450 academic researchers and practitioners. It holds an annual conference and runs invited streams in the European and International OR society conferences. Julia has been on the executive committee of ESICUP since 2004 and chaired two of the annual conferences. Association of European Operational Research

Ntim, C.G. was invited to present a seminar: ‘Governance and Risk Disclosures in UK Higher Education Institutions’, In Accounting Group Research Seminar Series, York Management School, University of York, York, UK, May 2017.

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