January research highlights from the Business School

This month, we cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, speaking engagements and funded research.
Papers Accepted
Yang Y. , Secchi D., Homberg F., Are organisational defensive routines harmful to the relationship between personality and organisational learning?, Journal of Business Research, (2017), 10.1016, ABS 3*
Nguyen, Q. ; Nisar, T. ; Knox, D.; Prabhakar, G. Understanding Customer Satisfaction in the UK Quick Service Restaurant Industry: The Influence of the Tangible Attributes of Perceived Service Quality); British Food Journal, (2017)
Brito, Mario. Adaptive autonomous underwater vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (2018), 0018-9391, ABS 3*
Ntim, Collins., Malagila, John . Trustee board diversity, governance mechanisms, capital structure and performance in UK charities, Corporate Governance, (2018), 1472-0701, ABS 3*
Gong, Yu., Brown, Stephen. Supply chain learning of sustainability in multi-tier supply chains, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (2018), 0144-3577, ABS 4*
Nisar, Tahir. Digital advertising's wild west, The European Business Review, (2018)
Published Papers
Abeysooriya, Ranga., Prasad, Bennell., Julia, Martinez Sykora., Antonio , Jostle heuristics for the 2D-irregular shapes bin packing problems with free rotation, International Journal of Production Economics, (2018), 0925-5273, ABS 3*
Tantisantiwong., Nongnuch , Determinants of equity return correlations: a case study of the Amman Stock Exchange, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (2018), 0924-865X, ABS 3*
Mcgroarty., Francis, Urquhart., Andrew , Does intraday technical trading have predictive power in precious metal markets?, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, (2018), 1042-4431, ABS 3*
Le May., Andree, Connell., Nigel, Klein., Jonathan , Balancing the skills, BMJ Quality and Safety, (2018), 2044-5415,
Mcgee., Richard, Mcgroarty., Francis, Urquhart., Andrew, Wolfe., Simon , Future directions in International Financial Integration Research - A Crowdsourced Perspective, International Review of Financial Analysis, (2018), 1057-5219, ABS 3*
Mishra., Tapas, Wolfe., Simon, Duan., Kun, How effective are policy interventions in a spatially-embedded international real estate market?, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, (2018), 1573-045X,
Saville, Christina, Emma, Smith, Honora,
Bijak, Katarzyna
, Operational Research techniques applied throughout cancer care services, Health Systems, (2018), 2047-6965, ABS 2*
Homberg., Fabian
, Are organisational defensive routines harmful to the relationship between personality and organisational learning?, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Research, (2018), 0148-2963, ABS 3*
Conference Papers
Hoang, G., Broad, M, and Li, P. (2017) Paradox of Entanglement affecting Vietnamese Civil Servants’ Job Performance: A Grounded Theory Approach. Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance, University of Southampton, December 2017.
Hoang, G., Broad, M, and Li, P. (2017) Exploration of Factors Influencing Civil Servants’ Job Performance Culture in Vietnam: A Grounded Theory Approach. Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference, South Korea, September 2017.
Other Special Achievements
Cristián Bravo has been recently invited to join the editorial board of Applied Soft Computing. ASOC is ranked in the first quartile by impact factor (IF: 3.541) in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science - Interdisciplinary Applications.
Cristián Bravo organized the third version of the BAFI conference, in Santiago, Chile. BAFI is the premier conference in analytics in Latin America, and is organized by Prof. Richard Weber, from Universidad de Chile, Prof. Sebastián Maldonado, from Universidad de Los Andes, Chile, and myself. The conference had 150 attendants from 25 countries. Some of the keynotes were Dr. Usama Fayyad (former chief data officer of Barclays, and who coined the term "data mining"), and prof. Peter Flasch (editor-in-chief of Machine Learning).
Richard Werner has been invited to become a Fellow of the RSA. He has also been invited as speaker or keynote speaker at the following events:
ICMA Centre, University of Reading, Seminar speaker, speaking about “Washington Consensus vs. Economic Development”
Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Rüschlikon, Switzerland, event “Our Money, Our Banks, Our Country", speaking about “The Source of Money and the Seat of Power”
Austrian Central Bank, Vienna, Workshop with invited participants, speaking about “The Quantity Theory of Credit and its Policy Implications”
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate, Regensburg, keynote speaker speaking about “Mittelstandsbanken und der deutsche Wirtschaftserfolg”
Invited panellist at a Special Panel Session of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) annual conference
Book Chapters and Reports
Bayer., Steffen , Healthcare human resource planning, Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management, (2018)
Mishra., Tapas, Regional dynamics of rural credit and growth in India, Sustaining High Growth in India, (2018)
Mishra., Tapas , Does social cohesion limit uncertainties in economic growth, Sustaining High Growth in India, (2018)
Baesens., Bart, Bravo., Cristian , Profit Driven Business Analytics, (2018)
Ntim., Collins , Defining corporate governance, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, (2018)
Clarke, N., Higgs, M.J., D’Amato, A., and Validi, R . (2018). Responsible Leadership in Projects: Insights into Ethical Decision Making. Pennsylvania; Project Management Institute. Inc.
PhD Completions
The University Senate recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to the following candidates:
Mohammad Abdulrahman Algarni
, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Edgar Mayer and Dr Melanie Ashleigh;
Christopher Mark Hughes
, (integrated) iPhD Web Science Management, supervised by Dr Vadim Grinevich and Dr Enrico Gerding;
Safaa Al Smadi
, PhD in Management, supervised by Dr Oliver Marnet and Dr Hosam Al Kaddour.