Latest research news and achievements from SBS – October 2019
We cast a spotlight on some of the most recent activity in Southampton Business School, including publications, special achievements and funded research in September 2019.
Papers Accepted
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, (2019), Internal capabilities, national governance and performance in African firms, Research in International Business and Finance, 0275-5319, (ABS 2*)
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, (2018), Leverage deviations and acquisition probability in the UK: The moderating effect of firms’ internal capabilities and deal diversification potential, European Management Review, 1740-4754, (ABS 3*)
Beullens, Patrick, (2019), Joint inventory and distribution strategy for online sales with a flexible delivery option, International Journal of Production Economics, 0925-5273, (ABS 3*)
Brito, Mario, (2019), A hybrid fuzzy system dynamics approach for risk analysis of AUV operations, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 1343-0130
Chinthalapati, Venkata, Mcgroarty, Francis, (2019), Stock-ADR arbitrage: microstructure risk, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 1042-4431, (ABS 3*)
Dawson, Ian, (2019), Taking responsibility: Self-attribution for risk creation and its influence on the motivation to engage in risk management behaviors, Journal of Risk Research, 1366-9877, (ABS 2*)
Gong, Yu, (2019), Cross-border e-commerce firms as supply chain integrators: the management of three flows, Industrial Marketing Management, 0019-8501, (ABS 3*)
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2019), More intelligent designs, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 0749-5978, (ABS 4*)
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2019), Physician experience is associated with greater underestimation of patient pain, Patient Education and Counseling, 0738-3991,
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2018), Call to claim your prize, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 1076-898X, (ABS 4*)
Kizys, Renatas, (2018), A variable neighborhood search simheuristic for project portfolio selection under uncertainty, Journal of Heuristics, 1381-1231, (ABS 3*)
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), Momentum trading in cryptocurrencies:, Economics Letters, 0165-1765, (ABS 3*)
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), Can variations in temperature explain the systemic risk of European firms?, Environmental and Resource Economics, 0924-6460, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Social sustainable supplier evaluation and selection, International Journal of Production Research, 0020-7343, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), An integrated grey-based multi-criteria decision-making approach for supplier evaluation and selection in the oil and gas industry, Kybernetes, 0368-492X,(ABS 1*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Sustainable supplier selection based on industry 4.0 initiatives within the context of circular economy implementation in supply chain operations, Production Planning & Control, 0953-7287, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), The critical success factors of using social media for supply chain social sustainability in the freight logistics industry, International Journal of Production Research, 0020-7343, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Evaluating challenges to implementing eco-innovation for freight logistics sustainability in Nigeria, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 0965-8564, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Evaluating barriers to implementing green supply chain management, Production Planning & Control, 0953-7287, (ABS 3*)
Lin, Fenfang, (2019), Competitor Intelligence and Product Innovation: The Role of Open-Mindedness and Inter-Functional Coordination, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 0018-9391, (ABS 3*)
Lin, Fenfang, Marshall, Alasdair, Ojiako, Udechukwu, (2019), Managing and building B2B SME brands: an emerging market perspective, PSU Research Review, 2399-1747,
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Country image appraisal, Journal of Business Research, 0148-2963, (ABS 3*)
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Does communicating safety matter?, Annals of Tourism Research, 0160-7383, (ABS 4*)
Marshall, Alasdair, Ojiako, Udechukwu, (2019), Organisational learning in small and medium sized South African energy project organisations, Management Research Review , 2040-8277, (ABS 1*)
Penn, Marion, Monks, Thomas, (2019), Towards generic modelling of hospital wards: reuse and redevelopment of simple models, Journal of Simulation, 1747-7778, (ABS 1*)
Song, Wei, (2019), Does CDS trading affect risk-taking incentives in managerial compensation?, Journal of Banking & Finance, 0378-4266, (ABS 3*)
Song, Wei, (2019), Does bank stakeholder orientation enhance financial stability?, Journal of Corporate Finance, 0929-1199, (ABS 4*)
Taoushianis, Zenon, (2019), Predicting corporate bankruptcy using the framework of Leland-Toft: Evidence from US, Quantitative Finance, 1469-7688, (ABS 3*)
Vithana, Vithanage, Soobaroyen, Teerooven, Ntim, Collins, (2019), Human resource disclosures in UK corporate annual reports: To what extent do these reflect organisational priorities towards labour?, Journal of Business Ethics, 0167-4544, (ABS 3*)
Yu, Huan, (2019), Business analytics: online promotion with gift rewards, Annals of Operations Research, 0254-5330, (ABS 3*)
Papers Published
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, (2018), Allocation of internally generated corporate cash flow in Africa, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 2042-1168, (ABS 2*)
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, (2018), Foreign acquisitions and firm performance: the moderating role of prior foreign experience, Global Finance Journal, 1044-0283, (ABS 2*)
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, (2019), Intangible investments and voluntary delisting, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 1834-7649, (ABS 2*)
Agyei-Boapeah, Henry, Ntim, Collins, (2019), Credit information sharing and loan default in developing countries: the moderating effect of banking market concentration and national governance quality, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 0924-865X, (ABS 3*)
Akarsu, Tugra, (2018), PROMISING THE DREAM: Changing destination image of London through the effect of website place, Journal of Business Research, 0148-2963, (ABS 3*)
Barak, Sasan, (2018), A novel hybrid fuzzy DEA-Fuzzy MADM method for airlines safety evaluation, Journal of Air Transport Management, 0969-6997, (ABS 1*)
Barak, Sasan, (2019), Evaluation and selection of clustering methods using a hybrid group MCDM, Expert Systems with Applications, 0957-4174, (ABS 3*)
Barak, Sasan, (2019), Time series model selection with a meta-learning approach; evidence from a pool of forecasting algorithms, arXiv
Chinthalapati, Venkata, (2019), On the laplace transforms of the first hitting times for drawdowns and drawups of diffusion-type processes, Risks, 2227-9091,
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2019), Attitudes toward presidential candidates in the 2012 and 2016 American elections: Cognitive ability and support for Trump, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1948-5506,
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2019), Reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks, Risk Analysis, 0272-4332, (ABS 4*)
Hanoch, Yaniv, (2018), Does medical risk perception and risk taking change with age?, Risk Analysis, 0272-4332, (ABS 4*)
Kizys, Renatas, (2018), Analysis of energy efficiency practices of SMEs in rural Ghana: an application of product generational dematerialization method, Energy Efficiency, 1570-646X
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), Suicide, sentiment and crisis, Social Science Journal, 0362-3319,
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), Metaheuristics for rich portfolio optimisation and risk management: Operations Research Perspectives, 2214-7160,
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), The WTI/Brent oil futures price differential and the globalisation-regionalisation hypothesis, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 1755-3830, (ABS 2*)
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), A Biased-Randomized Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Rich Portfolio Optimization, Applied Sciences, 2076-3417,
Kizys, Renatas, (2019), Editorial, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 1755-3830, (ABS 2*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2018), Circular economy and power relations in global value chains, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 0921-3449,
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Drivers and barriers to circular economy implementation, Management Decision, 0025-1747, (ABS 2*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), When stakeholder pressure drives the circular economy, Management Decision, 0025-1747, (ABS 2*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2018), Supplier sustainability performance evaluation and selection, Journal of Cleaner Production, 0959-6526, (ABS 1*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), A supply chain sustainability innovation framework and evaluation methodology, International Journal of Production Research, 0020-7343, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2018), Assessing challenges for implementing Industry 4.0, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 0957-5820,
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2019), Evaluating challenges to implementing eco-innovation for freight logistics sustainability in Nigeria, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 0965-8564, (ABS 3*)
Kusi-Sarpong, Simonov, (2018), Supply chain performance measurement and improvement system, Journal of Modelling in Management, 1746-5664,
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), An integrated model of social media brand engagement, Computers in Human Behavior, 0747-5632, (ABS 3*)
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Building a local identity through sellout crowds: The impact of brand popularity, brand similarity, and brand diversity of music festivals, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 0965-254X, (ABS 2*)
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Blockchain technology in agri-food value chain management: a synthesis of applications, challenges and future research directions, Computers in Industry, 0166-3615, (ABS 3*)
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Building theory of agri-food supply chain resilience using Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC analysis, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 2054-5819,
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Building theory of agri-food supply chain resilience using Total Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC analysis, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 2054-5819
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, Megicks, Philip, (2019), Developing effective social media messages: Insights from an exploratory study of industry experts, Psychology and Marketing, 0742-6046, (ABS 3*)
Megicks, Philip, (2019), Firm resources and the development of environmental sustainability among small and medium-sized enterprises: evidence from the Australian wine industry, Business Strategy and the Environment, 0964-4733, (ABS 3*)
Regis, Paulo, (2018), Product space and the development of nations, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 0167-2681, (ABS 3*)
Regis, Paulo, (2019), LTV policy as a macroprudential tool and its effects on residential mortgage loans, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 1042-9573, (ABS 4*)
Rentocchini, Francesco, (2019), The relationship between interdisciplinarity and distinct modes of university-industry interaction, Research Policy, 0048-7333, (ABS 4**)
Shukla, Paurav, (2019), Resilience, Parenting Style, and Children's Eating Behavior, Social Marketing Quarterly, 1524-5004, (ABS 1*)
Song, Wei, (2019), The performance of acquisitions by high default risk bidders, Journal of Banking & Finance, 0378-4266, (ABS 3*)
Song, Wei, (2019), Why female board representation matters: The role of female directors in reducing male CEO overconfidence, Journal of Empirical Finance, 0927-5398, (ABS 3*)
Song, Wei, (2019), CEO and director compensation, CEO turnover and institutional investors: is there cronyism in the UK?, Journal of Banking & Finance, 0378-4266, (ABS 3*)
Song, Wei, (2019), Passing the dividend baton: the impact of dividend policy on new CEOs' initial compensation, Journal of Corporate Finance, 0929-1199, (ABS 4*)
Song, Wei, (2019), When women are on boards, male CEOs are less overconfident, Harvard Business Review, 0017-8012, (ABS 3*)
Spokeviciute, Laima, (2018), A modification to the WPC model, Economics Letters, 0165-1765, (ABS 3*)
Spokeviciute, Laima, (2019), Do financial crises cleanse the banking industry? Evidence from US commercial bank exits, Journal of Banking & Finance, 0378-4266, (ABS 3*)
Tai, Chung-Ching, (2019), Predicting the failures of prediction markets, International Journal of Forecasting, 0169-2070, (ABS 3*)
Tai, Chung-Ching, (2018), Cognitive ability and earnings performance, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 0165-1889, (ABS 3*)
Books/Book Chapters
Akarsu, Tugra, (2019), Sensory Branding: What it is, why it matters, and how to use it, Contemporary Issues in Branding
Akarsu, Tugra, (2019), Rethinking the nexus of TV series/movies and destination image: changing perceptions through sensorial cues and authentic identity of a city, Place Branding: Connecting Tourist Experiences to Places
Barak, Sasan, (2018), Dependency evaluation of financial market returns for classifying and grouping stocks, Proceedings - 3rd Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems, ICSPIS 2017
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), Value-Chain Wide Food Waste Management, Decision Support Systems IX
Frei, Regina, (2019), Editorial, Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post-Global Economy
Conference Papers
Yehuda Baruch, (2019), British Academy of Management, Birmingham: Celebrity chefs’ careers (with Elbasha)
Yehuda Baruch, (2019), British Academy of Management, Birmingham: Careers of migrants to China’s cities (with Guo)
Yehuda Baruch, (2019), British Academy of Management, Birmingham: Universities as learning institutions (with Barikova and Klein)
Yehuda Baruch, (2019), British Academy of Management, Birmingham: Academic entrepreneurship (with Tunalioglu, Karatas-Ozkan & Costanzo)
Yehuda Baruch, (2019), British Academy of Management, Birmingham: Chance event in Alumni careers (with Legrand, Naschberger & Bozionelos)
Beigi, Mina, (2019), Women who chose to be in a man’s job: Career experiences of women internet taxi drivers in Tehran, European Association for Work and Employment Psychology
Beigi, Mina, (2019), Female internet taxi drivers' career experiences: An intelligent career perspective, British Academy of Management
Beigi, Mina, (2019), Immigrant employee well-being: A review, Academy of Management Conference
Beigi, Mina, (2018), Political conflicts and career sustainability of Iranian scientists and engineers in the US, Academy of Management Conference
Brito, Mario, (2019), Policy recommendations for autonomous underwater vehicle operations through hybrid Fuzzy System Dynamics Risk Analysis (FusDRA), International Association of Maritime Universities Conference (IAMUC)
Chughtai, Hameed, (2019), Studying the Other or Becoming the Other: Engaging with Indigenous Peoples in IS Research, 40th International Conference on Information Systems
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2018), Towards an alternative multi-exemplar composite measure of country image: A comparison with traditional measures of country image, Global Marketing Conference
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2019), An abstract: does communicating destination safety matter?, Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers. AMSWMC 2018. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science
Lopez Lamelas, Maria Del Carmen, (2018), Building theory of agri-food supply chain resilience using total interpretative structural modelling and MICMAC analysis, 4th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST)
Onggo, Stephan, (2018), Using simulation to measure the performance of a search operation for a man overboard, 51st Annual Simulation Symposium, ANSS 2018, Part of the 2018 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, SpringSim 2018
PhD Completions
Buhl-Freiherr Von Und Zu Guttenberg, Karl, supervised by Tapas Mishra & Fatimah Zainudin
Other Special Achievements
Yehuda Baruch was named Top Peer Reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards 2019