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The University of Southampton
Clinical Ethics, Law and Society

The latest Joint Committee guidelines on Consent and confidentiality in genomic medicine released

Published: 5 July 2019
2019 report
Consent and confidentiality in genomic medicine

This report, Consent and confidentiality in genomic medicine, is the third such report from the Joint Committee on Genomics in Medicine (previously, the Joint Committee on Medical Genetics). The first report was published in 2006 and the second in 2011. Because of the many advances in genetic and genomic practice, each report has involved a substantial rewrite.

This edition was written by Anneke Lucassen (Professor and honorary consultant in clinical genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton and Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, University Hospitals Southampton, UK; and chair of the British Society for Genetic Medicine) and Alison Hall (head of humanities, PHG Foundation, Cambridge, UK; and chair of the Ethics and Policy Committee of the British Society for Genetic Medicine).

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