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The University of Southampton
Clinical Ethics, Law and Society

Is my genome result just for me? Event

19:00 - 20:50
18 July 2016
Education Centre Lecture Theatre - Level 5 SDH North Salisbury District Hospital, Oddstock Road, Salisbury, SP2 8BJ

For more information regarding this event, please .

Event details

A Question-time style debate The cost and time of sequencing the entire genetic code of an individual and has greatly decreased, such that it may soon be a routine test performed within the NHS. Genomics England are currently undertaking a large project to sequence 100,000 genomes to begin to fully exploit the genetic code. During this event issues will be explored surrounding the use, re-use and storage of this information, rights and privacy in the light of the obvious and significant advantages and potential pitfall and problems. Doors open for the Question-time style debate from 7pm when you will be given time to compose questions for the panellists, with the debate to run from 7.40pm until 8.50pm. This event is suitable for 16+

Speaker information

Professor Anneke Lucassen ,Professor of Clinical Genetics, ,University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton

Dr Gillian Crawford ,Clinical Research Fellow and Principal Genetic Counsellor,University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton

Dr Alex Gregory ,University of Southampton,Lecturer in Philosophy

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