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The University of Southampton
Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications (CGTA)

CGTA colloquium: Prof Jie Wu (Hebei Normal University, China) Event

15:00 - 16:00
7 May 2021
Virtually, via Zoom. Please contact the organisers for a link.

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Jacek Brodzki at .

Event details

With a great pleasure we will (virtually) host Professor Jie Wu (Hebei Normal University, China), speaking about "Modular cohomotopy groups".

Title : Modular cohomotopy groups

Abstract : Cohomotopy (cohomology) theory can be viewed as a (non-abelian) generalized cohomology theory, that has various applications such as its deep connections with framed cobordism via unstable and framed version of Pontrjagin-Thom construction. The (integral) cohomotopy sets/groups have been extensively studied. In this talk, after giving a breif review on cohomotopy theory, we propose the study on modular cohomotopy theory, which has canonical connections with integral cohomotopy theory via double suspensions and Anick fibre sequences. Finally, we will report our recent progress on modular cohomotopy theory. This is a joint work with Pengcheng Li and Jianzhong Pan.

Speaker information

Jie Wu ,Hebei Normal University, China,Professor

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