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The University of Southampton

Top 10 in The Times league tables for Chemistry

Published: 15 June 2012

Chemistry at Southampton has been ranked in the top ten of The Times Good University Guide 2013, positioning it as one of the best Chemistry departments in the UK for undergraduate study of the subject.

The Times Good University Guide, released on 14th June 2012, assesses academic departments upon the undergraduate experience they offer, and includes the views of recent students, leading academics' verdicts on the quality of research and the success rates of graduates in the employment market. It is recognised as the most authoritative assessment of its type and is used by university applicants, parents and even governments across the world.

The strong position of Chemistry at Southampton is being attributed to all-round outstanding commitment from academic staff and positive feedback from current undergraduate students as to the quality of their degree programmes.

Professor Phil Gale, Head of Chemistry commented:

"Our position in the top ten departments in the UK reflects the innovative approaches to teaching developed by our staff and to the emphasis we put on the development of our students not only in chemistry but also in the skills they need to be successful in their future careers."

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