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The University of Southampton

Final Year Postgraduate Presentations in Electrochemistry Event

09:30 - 12:10
24 May 2017
Building 29 Lecture Theater 1101

For more information regarding this event, please email Nuria Garcia-Araez at .

Event details

Final Year postgraduate presentations in Electrochemistry

The schedule of Presentations is as follows:

9:30   Marta Meneghello: New strategies for a stable, covalent immobilization of enzymes at electrode surfaces.

9:50   Saiful Arifin Shafiee: Characterisation and application of bulk MoN microelectrodes

10:10  Hannah Martin: A novel AC impedance method for characterising bubble motion

10:30  James Dibden: Lithium-sulfur batteries: an investigation into the electrolyte and the intermediate polysulfide species within

10:50  Break

11:10  Andrew Leach: In-situ potential dependant nanoparticle size and shape analysis of Au and Pt using Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)

11:30  Ana Perdomo Marin: Microelectrodes for in-situ measurements at the sea surface microlayer

11:50  Abdulrahman Alharbi - High-throughput optimizations of anode catalysts for direct sodium borohydride fuel cells

12:10  End

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