“Small” functionalised Rotaxanes Seminar
- Time:
- 15:00
- Date:
- 14 April 2014
- Venue:
- Room 2001, Building 27 Chemistry University of Southampton Southampton So17 1BJ
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Geoff Hyett at G.Hyett@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Dr Steve Goldup presents a seminar as part of the Molecular Assembly, Function and Structure Groups Seminar series
The active template approach to mechanically interlocked molecules is a versatile and powerful method for synthesising catenanes and rotaxanes which are difficult or impossible to form using other methods. Our group have pioneered the use of “small” macrocycles in active template reactions in order to allow the synthesis of small(er), functionalised rotaxanes in excellent yield. I will describe some of our recent applications of this methodology to the synthesis of functionalised, functional interlocked molecules including mechanically planar chiral rotaxanes, a previously hard to access class of chiral molecules.
Speaker information
Dr Steve Goldup , Queen Mary University of London. Senior Lecturer