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The University of Southampton

Exploring intermolecular charge-transfer: how much is it, where does the charge go, and how do we model it? Seminar

2 February 2014
Building 45, Room 2040 University of Southampton Southampton So17 1BJ

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Ilya Kuprov at .

Event details

Dr Alston Misquitta presents a seminar as part of the Computational Systems Chemistry Research Group's seminar series.

Exploring intermolecular charge-transfer: how much is it, where does the charge go, and how do we model it?

All welcome to attend

Speaker information

Dr Alston Misquitta , Queen Mary, University of London. Dr Misquitta's research is focused on the theory of intermolecular interactions and the applications of the detailed and accurate theoretical models for molecule interactions to exciting physical problems.

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