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The University of Southampton

Key Stage 5

We offer potential students a range of opportunities to experience what is involved in taking Chemistry at degree level.

Research in Chemistry - Work Shadowing

As part of our programme of outreach activities for schools and colleges, we organise a work shadowing day for Year 12 chemistry students considering a university degree in chemistry or a related subject. There will be opportunities to carry out practical work in the new research laboratories and to attend a short lecture on a related topic.

We hope that the opportunity to experience working with current chemistry research students will prove valuable in assisting Year 12 chemistry students in planning their future studies and career paths. We have been running this event for over 10 years now and it has always proved very popular with participants.

This event is usually run at the end of the summer term, in late July with details being sent out to teachers in schools and colleges early in June.

Twilight practical sessions

These sessions are designed to give students experience of practical work in our state-of-the-art teaching laboratories. Students will carry out a range of practical techniques and get the chance to see some of our other research facilities, under the guidance of experienced postgraduate demonstrators.

The video below shows KS5 students using the old Chemistry laboratory facilities on a Twilight Session. These teaching labs were fully refurbished in recent years which you can see here.

Once dates are organised for the Twilight Sessions, details will be sent out to teachers in schools and colleges to allow themto book a session for a group of keens students. The sessions are run from 15:00 - 18:30pm on weekdays over a period of 2 weeks.


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Spectroscopy Service

We offer a free spectroscopy service to schools in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Sussex and the Isle of Wight.

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University open days

Chemistry plays a part in the University-wide open day. We have a programme of tours and our staff are available to answer your questions.

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