英国南安普顿大学 2023年4月21-23日
本届国际研讨会由欧洲汉语教学协会主办,南安普顿大学和南安普顿大学孔子学院及英国汉语教学研究会(British Chinese Language Teaching Society)承办和协办。本届研讨会的主题为 “欧洲多元文化和语言视角下的中高等教育中汉语教学的回顾、现状和展望”,也是欧汉会前三届研讨会的中心议题“汉语二语教学学科建设的区域性和国际性”之继续。本届研讨会将聚焦欧洲及其他国家教育体制中,特别是国民教育体里中小学的汉语教学的发展、现状和趋势,探讨欧洲和世界各地教育体制中汉语二语教学实践和理论的发展及对汉语二语教学学科建设的影响和启迪,更好地推动本学科的学科建设,并使其能与时俱进。
报告人】顾安达 教授(Andreas Guder, 德国柏林自由大学)
报告人】梁霞 教授(美国中文教师学会)
报告人】马西尼 教授(Federico Masini, 意大利罗马智慧大学)
报告人】阮黄英 教授(Nguyen hoang Anh, 亚太地区国际汉语教学学会)
报告人】吴勇毅 教授(中国华东师范大学)
2023年4月21至23日, 英国南安普顿大学。论文宣读语言为中文或英文。
1. 国民教育体制中的汉语教育及政策
2. 大学汉语专业和非专业的教学研究
3. 本土汉语教师的培养、培训与研究
4. 本土汉语教材的开发、出版与研究
5. 本土汉语教学大纲的开发及其研究
6. 科技作用、应用以及教学模式研究
7. 汉语学习者背景及其学习动机研究
8. 教育体制中的汉语能力标准和测评
9. 其他相关主题
1. 论文摘要需包括议题、题目、2-3个关键词和摘要正文。摘要用中、英文均可,中文字数在300 字左右,英文 400 词左右。
2. 每人作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘要,同时还可作为非第一作者合作提交另一篇摘要。
3. 论文摘要提交,请点此链接 ( https://formulaire.unige.ch/outils/limesurveyfac/lettres/index.php/319997?lang=en ) ,填写相关信息。本届研讨会不接受其它方式的投稿,敬请谅解。
Ø 论文摘要提交截止日期:2023年2月15日
Ø 论文入选通知(电子邮件):2023年2月28日前(录用通知会分批发出)
Ø 论文报告人确认参会并网上注册截止日期:2023年3月15日
Ø 非论文报告人网上注册参会截止日期: 2023年3月15日
研讨会及工作坊网上注册和付费已经开通。请论文摘要已获通过及有意听会的同仁和学生尽早注册缴费。欧汉会研讨会及工作坊注册和缴费,请点击此链接 ( EACT Conference 2023 | University of Southampton Online Store )。如果您有什么其他要求,也请在注册时说明。
研讨会筹委会秘书处邮箱 info@ouhanhui.eu
The 4th International Symposium of the European Association
of Chinese Teaching (EACT)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Chinese Language Education in Secondary and Higher Education from a Multilingual and Multicultural Perspective
21st-23rd April 2023, University of Southampton, UK
The European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT) is pleased to announce that the 4th International Symposium will be held at the University of Southampton, UK, between the 21st and the 23rd of April 2023. This is the 3rd Call for Papers, and EACT welcomes colleagues concerned with the learning and teaching of Chinese from all over the world to join us either in-person or online and to exchange ideas and research outcomes. In response to request more time to submit abstract, the organising committee has decided, after careful discussion, to extend the abstract submission deadline to 15 February. Other relevant dates remain the same with no change. The registration fees for the current postgraduates has also been reduced to 50 GBP.
The Symposium is organised by the EACT in conjunction with the University of Southampton and its Confucius Institute, and with the assistance from the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS). The theme of the Symposium is “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Chinese Language Education in Secondary and Higher Education from a Multilingual and Multicultural Perspective”, reflecting and continuing the common underlying theme of all three previous symposia of the EACT, that is, “Regionality and Internationality in the Development of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language as an Academic Discipline”. This year, the Symposium will focus on the past development, the current situation and future trends of Chinese language education in national education systems, particularly in schools, and in institutions of higher education in Europe and elsewhere. The development of both theories and practices of teaching Chinese as a second language in Europe and elsewhere, as well as their impact on and insights into the development of teaching Chinese as second language as an academic discipline will be explored so as to further promote the discipline and keep it up to date.
During the symposium, the EACT will also hold its General Assembly (both online and in-person). All the members are welcome to attend. The meeting link will be sent to members through the communication channels of institutional member organisations at least one week before the General Assembly. Individual members will receive the meeting link directly from the Treasurer of the EACT.
The British Chinese Language Teaching Society will hold its 2023 spring Chinese language teaching training workshop, also at the same venue on the afternoon of the 22nd April at the end of the symposium presentations. The invited guest speakers are Professor Joël Bellassen, the President of EACT, and former Inspector general for Chinese, France, and Sun Lam, Associate Professor from the University of Minho in Portugal, member of the EACT Executive Committee, and the themes focus on 1) how to teach Chinese culture, and 2) how to teach Chinese characters respectively in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The workshop is open to all interested and can be accessed both online and in-person. However, non EACT members will need to pay a small fee to join the workshop.
The confirmed keynote and institutional representative speakers of the symposium include the following (in alphabetical order of surname):
Professor Andreas Guder (Free University Berlin, Germany)
What do CFL teachers teach in secondary schools - and how? Results from a 2021 survey on Chinese Language teachers at Germany’s secondary schools
Professor Liang Xia (The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA)
Chinese Teacher Education and Training as Perceived from the Changes in the Recruitment Advertisements for Chinese Teachers in American Universities
Professor Federico Masini (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
Chinese Language Teaching in Italian Schools: Current Development and Challenge
Professor Nguyen Hoang Anh (Asia-Pacific Consortium on Teaching Chinese as an International Language)
The Current Situation and Development Trend of Chinese Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Vietnam: Taking Curriculum Construction and Textbook Compilation as Examples
Professor Wu Yongyi (East China Normal University, China)
Grade Distribution of Characters and Words in the World from the Perspective of Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education: examples from Mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore and Europe
From 21st to 23rd of April 2023, University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Presentations and papers can be presented either in Chinese or English.
1. Chinese language education and policy in different national education systems
2. Teaching and learning of Chinese both as a degree and as a course for different purposes and research in higher education
3. Chinese language teacher education and professional development and research in different countries
4. Development, publication of Chinese language teaching materials and research in different countries
5. Research and development of Chinese language education syllabus in home countries
6. Role, application and models of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Chinese language education and research in different countries
7. Research on learners of Chinese, such as their background, motivation and implications for and impact on Chinese learning and teaching
8. Chinese language proficiency standards and assessment in different education systems
9. Others
The symposium will be held in a hybrid mode of both in-person and online, but the number of online sessions may be limited.
1. The abstract should include the following: field of the symposium theme, two to three keywords and the actual abstract. The abstract can be in either Chinese or English, but approximately 300 words in Chinese or about 400 words in English.
2. Each person can submit only one abstract as an independent or first author. It is possible to submit one other abstract as a co-author.
3. Abstracts should be submitted via the link and fill in all the required information https://formulaire.unige.ch/outils/limesurveyfac/lettres/index.php/319997?lang=en . Please note that no other means of submissions will be accepted for this symposium.
Deadline for abstract submission (New): 15 February 2023
Notification of paper acceptance (by email): by 28th February 2023
Deadline for paper presenters to confirm participation and register online: 15th March 2023
Deadline for non-paper presenters to register online: 15th March 2023
The Symposium has an academic/scientific committee responsible for the organisation of blind peer review of all the submitted abstracts. The authors of the accepted abstract will have a 20 minute slot to present their paper, including Q&A, in the relevant groups at the Symposium.
The Symposium in-person attendance registration fee is £100, £75 for online participants, £25 for EACT members and £50 for current postgraduate students. The in-person registration fee includes symposium materials and refreshment. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.
The BCLTS Workshop is accessible both online and in-person, and a small admin fee is charged for non EACT members: £20 for anyone who has also registered for the symposium, and a flat fee of £30 for anyone who only attends the workshop. It is free for BCLTS and EACT members.
The online registration for Symposium and Workshop is now Open for both whose abstract has been accepted and who would just like to attend as participants. Please register and make the appropriate payment by clicking HERE (EACT Conference 2023 | University of Southampton Online Store). Should you have any other requirements, please leave a note when registering.
Email address of the Symposium Secretariat: info@ouhanhui.eu
How to get to Southampton and to the University of Southampton Avenue Campus:
EACT Conference 2023 Programme
EACT Conference 2023 Booklet of Abstracts