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The University of Southampton
Centre for International Film Research

PhD Symposium Event

7 May 2021

For more information regarding this event, please email Yuan Li at .

Event details

This symposium, hosted by the Centre for International Film Research under the Film department at Southampton, will explore the transnational relationship China has with other territories globally, exploring how technological innovations, aesthetics and such have influenced and traversed internationally.

The event is organised by a group of PhD students in Film Studies at Southampton (Yuan Li (Rebecca), Lucy Elizabeth McDonald, and Ruohan Tang) under the advice of Dr Ruby Cheung. It will be open to the participation of any students and academics from across the UK and further afield.

This symposium is sponsored by the Confucius Institute at the University of Southampton.

Please register using the Register Now button above.

Time Information


Dr Shelley Cobb (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton)
Dr Ying Zheng (Confucius Institute, University of Southampton)


New Perspectives on Chinese Media (Click here to join the meeting)
Chair: Hee-Young Chung
Discussant: Dr Hongwei Bao

Zhen Li (Communication University of China) Diversity of Communication in Artificial Intelligence Era
Luke Vulpiani (King’s College London) A New Sinophobia? Chinese Cultural Identity in UK Media Reports on the Coronavirus and Hong Kong Protests

12:15-13:00 Lunch break

Communicating Aesthetics in Chinese and Western Visual Media (Click here to join the meeting)
Chair: Ethan Lyon
Discussant: Dr Iain Robert Smith

Xue Han (University of Bournemouth) An exploration through animation practice under Western context into the familial bond between Chinese mothers and daughters
Tianxiao Peng (Winchester School of Art) Global Communication of Chinese Interactive Movie: A Case Study of Zhongce Studio

14:30-14:45 Coffee break

Other Forms of Communication Between China and the Globe (Click here to join the meeting)
Chair: Ruohan Tang
Discussant: Professor Tim Bergfelder

William Hong-Xiao Wei (University of Edinburgh) The Aesthetics of Landscape in Alexander Sokurov’s Cinema and Traditional Chinese Painting
Ying Ying Yan (University of Southampton) The audio-visual representation of transnational boat collection: unveiling their hidden stories for the Chinese audience
Yanling Zhu (University of Glasgow) Beyond China's national culture: International co-production and IPR trade in GZDOC

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