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The University of Southampton
Clean Carbon

Clean Carbon meets - Professor Jon Gibbins, Director of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) Event

10 May 2017
Building 44 / L/T A

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

At this event the Clean Carbon University Strategic Research Group (USRG) will showcase two more of its research themes.

The two themes are Reduction and Capture ; and in addition to the keynote public lecture by Professor Jon Gibbins, there is an opportunity for ECRs and PhD students to take part, in the 'Speed Dating' slot. If you are interested in taking part, the challenge is to pitch your research in 3 minutes. Email the group's Interdisciplinary research Coordinator, Frances Clarke ( ) if you would like to book a slot in this segment.

The UKCCSRC aims to provide a national focal point for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) research and development in order to bring together the user community and academics to analyse problems, devise and carry out world-leading research and share delivery, thus maximising impact. A key priority is to help stimulate the UK economy by driving an integrated research programme focused on increasing the contribution of CCS to a low-carbon energy system for the UK.

Professor Jon Gibbins opens the Manchester biannual 2016 UKCCSRC meeting


12.00 Buffet lunch and networking

13.00 Welcome Dr Pier Sazio: Introduction to Clean Carbon and the Capture and Reduction research themes

13.10 Professor Andrew Cruden – Reduction: 'Clean Carbon Reduction in automotive and grid applications'

13.25 Dr Lindsay-Marie Armstrong – Capture: 'Computational modelling for Carbon Capture Technologies'

13.40 Q and A

13.50 Tea/coffee networking

14.25 Speed presentations - 10 x3 minutes - an opportunity for students and ECRs to pitch their research.

Caspar Donnison: 'Bioenergy with Carbon Capture & Storage (BECCS): A Double-Edged Sword for the Environment?'

Jack Bailey-Bale: 'BECCS – where can we get biomass from?’

Ben Mills: 'Laser-fabricated nanofoam for particulate sensors to monitor air quality'

Craig Dolder: ' Can we sing our way to more efficient bioreactors?'

Tom Rushby: 'The Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency (SAVE) project'

Agnieszka Dzielendziak: 'Computational modelling of ethanol dehydration'

Matt Potter: 'Designing catalytic sites for co2 utilisation'

Rucha Amin: 'Using occupants' thermal experience to achieve energy reductions'

Richard Wills: 'Large scale energy storage for renewable integration'

Ben Callow: 'Storing CO2 underground safely and permanently – Leave it to the Geologists!’

Rachel Mckerracher: 'Nanostructured batteries for renewable energy storage'

Esmé Flegg: 'PhD Spotlight – UK ports, climate change and extreme events'

Sien Van der Plank: 'Coastal Flood Risk at the Level of the Individual'

Alex Afful: ‘Low uptake of the green deal: examining financial, decision-making and awareness reasons’

15.00 Introduction by Professor William Powrie, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

15.05 Professor Jon Gibbins: An update on the state of CCS in the UK and globally

15.50 Q & A Chaired by Professor William Powrie

16.00 Reception with wine and nibbles and chance for networking. All welcome.

Professor Gibbins is also the Research Area Champion for Solvent Post-Combustion. He has worked on coal and biomass gasification and combustion for over 30 years, at Foster Wheeler, Imperial College and the University of Edinburgh and on carbon capture and storage (CCS) since 2002. He is currently Professor of Power Plant Engineering and Carbon Capture at the University of Sheffield and Director of the UK CCS Research Centre. He is involved in a number of other academic, industrial and government initiatives on CCS in the UK and overseas, including the SaskPower CCS Global Consortium Advisory Committee. He was also a member of SaskPower's Clean Coal Project Advisory Panel for their 400MW oxyfuel plant study in 2006-2007, has participated in reports and inquiries on CCS for a range of UK Government and other organisations and has contributed to a number of media pieces and other outreach activities on CCS. He also takes an interest in broader energy system issues, as a member of the DECC Scientific Advisory Group from 2010 to 2014 and through participation in ongoing work on electricity system balancing, economics and regulation

If you are concerned about the amount of atmospheric CO 2 we produce, please join the Clean Carbon USRG

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Speaker information

Professor Jon Gibbins,Director of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC)

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