Payment of the scholarship will be subject to continued academic progression and performance.
Candidates in receipt of a Presidential Scholarship will be known as “Innovation and Social Impact Scholars”.
Successful candidates who wish to accept the offer of an Innovation and Social Impact Scholarship must agree to abide by all the eligibility, terms and conditions of the award outlined here and any changes to them, throughout the time of the award, or the offer will be withdrawn.
Candidates in receipt of an offer of a Innovation and Social Impact Scholarship must register for, and start their doctoral studies, between 1 August 2024 and 1 December 2024.
The Scholarship will be paid for a maximum of up to 3.5 years funding (pro-rata for part-time students), or the date of first submission of the thesis, whichever is the sooner.
Innovation and Social Impact Scholarships may be removed at any time if:
Progress of the recipient is deemed not to be satisfactory, as determined by the University Progression Monitoring as defined in the University Calendar, Section V;
Recipients who require a UK Visa for study fail to satisfy any requirement of it and at any time throughout their doctoral candidature;
The Faculty Director of the Graduate School in the host Faculty, or Doctoral College Director, determines that there has been a material breach of the conditions of the award
Further conditions:
Innovation and Social Impact Scholars must agree to contribute to physical and online events promoting the scheme, their research work and activities as a condition of the award.
The conditions of an Innovation and Social Impact Scholarship may vary during the time of the award. Notification of any changes will be communicated to the recipient.
The decision of the awarding panels is final.
Recipients of the award are expected to spend the majority of time of study at the University of Southampton in the UK.
The scheme is only open to new applicants for research doctorates. Existing students registered for doctorates at the University of Southampton are ineligible for Innovation and Social Impact Scholarships.
Candidates undertaking part-time doctoral studies by research are also eligible for consideration, but any scholarship will be paid at a pro-rata level.
A review of the scholarship funding levels will take place each year and continued payment will be contingent on satisfactory progress, as measured by the University of Southampton annual monitoring process.
Candidates undertaking taught doctorates are not eligible for consideration for the Innovation and Social Impact Scholarship.