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Workshop on " Managing Water Demand " Event

16 - 17 September 2015

Event details

The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars interested in the economic analysis of water demand. The program will encompass both theoretical contributions as well as empirical research using natural or field experiments and survey or administrative data.

Areas of interest include but are not restricted to research on:

  • Modelling and estimating household water demand
  • Water pricing and metering
  • The impact of behavioural interventions on water demand
  • The role of regulation and public policy
  • Water affordability

The workshop will be held in central London and will include a policy round table with policy makers and representatives from the water industry. The event is organized with the support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Southern Water.

Michael Price (Georgia State University and NBER) will deliver a keynote address.

There is no conference fee and we will provide accommodation. Some funds are also available to meet travel costs for presenters. Please indicate in your response whether you will require funding.

To apply, please send an email with your paper attached as a PDF file to:

Submission Deadline: June 15th 2015

Notification of Acceptance: June 30th 2015

For further information:

The organisers; Dr Carmine Ornaghi and Professor Mirco Tonin

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