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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Postgraduate Research Conference

Published: 20 May 2014

This student led conference was proposed by Chris Downey and Dr John Schulz as an opportunity for Postgraduate Research (PGR) students to strengthen their organisation skills, meet university quality standards, work with colleagues from different parts of the world and provide a conference platform for PGRs to present their work

A conference committee was soon formed with representatives from each year, including a part-time PGR and meetings were organised to progress the project.

Angeline Dharmaraj, head of the conference team comments: "What better experience than chairing the conference in another country? Learning the ropes, the process and standards of University of Southampton and giving it your own special cultural touch! I'm looking forward to listening to the exciting fields of research presentations from across the school, to watch the outcome of all our efforts unfold".

The conference is aimed towards post graduate researchers in the School of Education. There will be presenters who are in their first year and those who are reaching the end of their doctoral program. We would like to invite staff and students from across the faculty to attend.

The conference begins with an opening session and then attendees are given the opportunity to join the sessions tailored to their interests. There are 5 conference themes dividing 24 presentations, of which 4 will be in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Poster presenters will have their work displayed and will be available for discussion during the lunch break. The day concludes with Professor Grainne Conole, Director of the Institute of Learning Innovation, University of Leicester giving the keynote on 'the career trajectory for a PhD, making the most of opportunities and managing change'.


Postgraduate Research Centre event

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