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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Autism Community Research Network @ Southampton (ACoRNS) event at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2021

Published: 30 November 2021

Doctoral student Verity Ward led this year’s ACoRNS event on November 5th as part of the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council)’s Festival of Social Science. The festival is an annual, UK-wide, free celebration of the social sciences with over 300 public and youth events taking place in November, with a mixture of online, in-person and hybrid formats.

Verity Ward
Verity Ward

Verity’s event ‘ Count Me In! Celebrating Student Contributions to Collaborative Video and Game Design ’ focused on her collaborative research with students and staff at Fairmead School in Somerset, which supports autistic students and students with moderate learning difficulties.

Verity’s collaboration with Fairmead provided new and different opportunities for student participation at the school, either through computer game design or video making. The students talked about how they participated in the project, and Verity shared some examples of their work.

You can watch the recording here.

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