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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

CLEAPSS Radiation Protection Supervisor Training Event

09:30 - 15:30
25 March 2015
Mathematics and Science Learning Centre The Graham Hills Building 29 University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mathematics and Science Learning Centre on 023 8059 8810 or email .

Event details

This course is for the school Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) - the person responsible for managing the safe storage, use and monitoring or radioactive sources in the science department. The RPS will normally be a member of the teaching staff, often the Head of Physics. Any teacher who uses radioactive sources will also benefit. See CLEAPSS leaflet PS75, which explains why the RPS should be a teacher.

What will the course include?

  • legislation and guidance, the role of the RPA, RPO and RPS
  • nuclear physics, radioactivity and radiation - teaching and resources
  • storage or radioactive substances
  • using radioactive sources to demonstrate the properties of ionising radiations
  • doses and biological effects of ionising radiations
  • radiological protection and its management
  • responsibilities of the RPS, including Local Rules
  • different types or radioactive sources and their care, including preparing sources for half-life investigations
  • monitoring and record keeping
  • disposal of radioactive sources

Course Fee: £99.00

This is for a full day of professional development, all CLEAPSS course resources, lunch and refreshments.

To book your place, please contact the Mathematics and Science Learning Centre using the details below and give your name, school, job title and email address.

CLEAPSS courses are intended for CLEAPSS members - if you are uncertain about your membership please contact CLEAPSS on 01895 251496. An additional charge may be payable for non-members attending courses.

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