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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Tracking progress and moderating judgements in Primary Science Event

10:00 - 16:00
12 January 2016
Mathematics and Science Learning Centre The Graham Hills Building 29 University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mathematics and Science Learning Centre on 023 8059 8810 or email .

Event details

Science is still a core subject and to maintain its profile in the curriculum it is essential that the progress children make in this subject is tracked and monitored effectively.

With the release of the new descriptors at the end of each key stage teachers will need to be aware of how to use the new assessments in a whole school policy.  This course will provide you with realistic management of monitoring and tracking progress in science across the school, as well as ideas and activities to gain greater understanding of children's attainment.  The course will also look at an updated national model for the external moderation of teacher assessment when it is available and the use of nationally developed exemplification of the work of pupils for each performance descriptor at the end of each key stage.

Following the course participants will be able to :

  • Understand the principles of moderation of science in their school
  • know how to track progress through school and national moderation exemplifications
  • use techniques to elicit understanding of the children's progress in science and gather realistic and manageable evidence to support this

Course fee :  Normally £130, early bird booking fee of £99 is available when booked before 1st October 2015.

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